Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Enlarged Prostate what else besides cancer can it mean

Enlarged Prostate what else besides cancer can it mean?
My brother in law has been having alot of pain in his abdomen and the doctor ordered CAT scans on thursday. We just got the results (by phone so they didnt go into any detail) and they said he had an enlarged prostate. So I know guys can get prostate cancer and one of the signs is enlarged prostate. What other things can an enlarged prostate mean?
Men's Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
An enlarged prostate might just mean Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BPH). Many men get it. I causes problems urinating, frequent urination, waking up at night to pee a lot. But it is actualy not that big of a deal. It does not lead to cancer and unless it is blocking his urinary outflow it can be easily treated by medication. If the prostate did enlarge to the point where it cant be medically treated it can be removed.
2 :
Actually, an enlarged prostate is not necessarily a symptom of prostate cancer. Many men find that their prostate glands get larger as they age. It seems to be "normal", although it can cause several problems, such as those suffered by your friend. There are several ways to deal with this condition, and his doctor will be the best person to discuss this with him.
3 :
It does not always mean he has prostate cancer.
4 :
Why don't you stay out of his business. You ever heard of medical privacy?

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

when should I start to inquire about prostate cancer

when should I start to inquire about prostate cancer?

Men's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
When you are 30, unless it runs in your family
2 :
Doctors say around 45 or so But unless it runs in your family then sooner and get checked regularly.
3 :
Usually prostate exams don't start untill 40, however if youhave a familyhistory of prosate problems I would start going in earlier. -Connor

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is the mutation for prostate cancer recessive or dominant

Is the mutation for prostate cancer recessive or dominant?
this is a answer needed for a science project i have searched and searched someone please have a reliable
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
They appear to be still working on it... So far, six potential prostate cancer genes are reported in the literature. All but HPC2 are yet to be isolated, and they probably are responsible for only a relatively small proportion of affected individuals in the general population. The disease is very complex due to the existence of more than one gene and decreased penetrance. (Penetrance is the probability that an individual carrying a disease gene is affected. Sometimes an individual who carries a gene for prostate cancer may not show symptoms). Moreover, sporadic and hereditary cases may co-exist in some families. Thus far, genetic research studies to identify genes have been performed on Caucasian Americans. Interestingly, confirmatory studies have usually failed to find the suggested genes in a different population. A large number of families from different populations with family histories of multiple affected prostate cancer cases are needed to confirm suggested genes and to find any new gene that may exist in the population.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

How many women wore Prostate Cancer ribbons on Father's Day

How many women wore Prostate Cancer ribbons on Father's Day?
On Mother's Day, many men wore pink ribbons to support the fight and research against breast cancer. Many men marched in breast cancer research-funding walks and parades. Many men joined women in various charity drives for the support of breast cancer research. In fact, the Major League Baseball players (all men) used pink bats and wore pink armbands in the games that Mother's Day to support this very same cause. Now, how many women wore prostate cancer ribbons for Father's Day? *crickets* Further evidence that women today are far more sexist than men. Let me also state that there is roughly the same amount of reported cases of prostate cancer per year as there is breast cancer cases (slightly over 200,000 for each) -- the number difference between the two diseases only being a few thousand. How many of you women even know what a Prostate Cancer ribbon looks like? Probably none of you. Don't worry ladies, I've provided a link: Shivers, you seem angry. I wore breast cancer ribbons on Mother's day and light-blue ribbons on Father's Day. Also, contrary to what you said, I did provide facts -- one being that there are roughly as many prostate cancer cases each year as there are breast cancer cases. You say men should say " 'what about me' victim stuff", well, what exactly do you think feminism does constantly, hypocrite? Feminism is inherently a "what about me" victim-mentality movement. Rio Madeira: Light-blue ribbons and armbands were worn by MLB players on Father's Day, although to my knowledge there were no light-blue bats - indicating that feminist society says we should care more about women. MLB players on Father's Day: If this were a women's professional league; pink would be worn on Mother's Day, and Father's Day would be ignored. Thank you feminism. Carrie: I have never seen the "save the ta-tas" shirt, but if that is true then that is pretty uncouth and unnecessary. Sounds like they're trivializing the importance of it by linking it with sexual pop-culture terminology. But I guess they thought they were being "cute". When I think of something such as "cancer", be it breast cancer or anything, the last thing we should be thinking about is how it's sex-related. Lee: I know you're a troll, because all of your responses to every question is about how men die and men get diseases. You're either a man posting as a woman, and you want to make women look bad, or this is some kind of S&M fetish to you. Or you're a woman that's just a misandrist. And I have to correct you -- breast cancer tends to be deadlier than prostate cancer. Prostate cancer patients have about a 95% chance of survival if they treat it.
Gender Studies - 11 Answers
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1 :
Somehow I think you know your own answer. I think I have male intuition. Seriously though, the women are not going to take up the fight for men in the numbers that men have for women. Women are just built selfish, not all but a good number. The proof is in the pudding, not just my word. edit Im sure there would have to be some, be it a small amount, of women that would of helped in some way. They should be acknowledged and thanked as they are fantastic humans
2 :
Women don't care about men, dude. Only themselves. Men are considered expendable in our society today.
3 :
no they don't give a damn. some would of had to of helped, but we're the ones that you throw on the frontline and other things. What would feminists care of us?
4 :
Good for you. Did you actually wear a breast cancer ribbon on mother's day? Or are you just speaking out for the men who did(paying lip-service?) I didn't wear a prostrate cancer ribbon on father's day, because- 1. I couldn't find them anywhere otherwise I would've bought one. Really, no-one was selling any in my area. If there was a march, I would've gladly joined. 2. I was helping my children spoil their father on fathers day. I'm getting so tired of all that 'what about me?' victim stuff. Way to turn more and more women away from mens causes by putting us down. If you really want women to care, then perhaps instead of being negative, you could try stating the facts about the cause and promote it, so more people hear about it. Yes I am tad annoyed. You want to do good for men right? Have more involvement by women or just not worry about it? Am more than happy to become involved in mens issues, after all my 3 kids will grow up to be men one day and I want the best for them and for them to have their rights as well. As for feminism, my biggest gripe is the pro-choice movement, because of the way women are being taken advantage of to make money and men have no say whatsoever. And mainly, that's what I'm ticked off about right now.
5 :
I wasn't even aware that there WERE prostate cancer ribbons, or that we were supposed to wear them on Father's Day. It's pretty hard not to notice the light pink ribbons for breast cancer though. I don't mean that the ribbons themselves are particularly noticeable, just that the women who run breast cancer prevention organizations do a much better job of promoting breast cancer awareness events and such. I've seen plenty of billboards for breast cancer related issues, none for prostate cancer. But I don't see why you're acting like this is womens' fault...if the men who run the organizations that deal with prostate cancer would be more PROACTIVE and vocal in making people more aware of the dangers of the disease, more people would care more about it. It's not like the government is giving the breast cancer people all this money...and it's not like the government is in charge of running the organizations. They're run by regular people who've found a cause they want to fight for and the money is largely from donations. In short, I don't think men have a right to get all upset about society not paying as much attention to prostate cancer, when the people who are running the charities / awareness groups are apparently sitting on their asses. I'd have gladly worn a blue ribbon on Father's Day if I had even KNOWN this was going on.
6 :
I don't wear ribbons รข€” ever. But, allow me to inquire, how many MLB players wore navy blue armbands on Father's Day?
7 :
Thank you for providing that link. I haven't seen a prostate cancer ribbon before, but if I see one now, I'll buy one. Just a gripe about breast cancer charities. I hate them. They sexualize the disease. It's disgusting. The fvcking pink ribbons and the "save the ta-tas" shirts and how raising money for breast cancer is supposed to be "fun" and pink and frilly. Lots of people buy into it and participate in the fund-raisers, which is obviously a good thing, but I still despise sexist breast cancer charities. If you want to spread awareness about prostate cancer, you don't need to turn it into a competition with breast cancer. Show us some stats, give us a sob story or two, and put the link to the ribbon, and we'll all be more than happy to support the cause.
8 :
I wasn't aware there even were ribbons supporting prostate cancer, but I know now. There is no breast cancer in my family, but there is prostate cancer. Obviously someone didn't do a very good job promoting the ribbons OR the research efforts that go into eliminating this disease. There ARE strong research and promotional efforts, aren't there? *crickets* And the ribbon lady is going to donate the proceeds from the sale of these ribbons to prostate cancer research, isn't she? She's not just doing it to make a buck, is she?
9 :
I most certainly did! My father passed away four years ago from prostate cancer. I am an avid supporter of research and treatment for all kinds of cancer.
10 :
I don't wear ribbons period, but I did get that ribbon from my dad and I put on my rear view mirror.
11 :
All cancer is bad. Breast, cervical, prostate, testicle and perhaps the worst skin and lung. Few men and women realize that statistically prostate cancer is the most common of all. More men would die of prostate cancer then women of breast cancer, except for the fact that men do not live that long. By the age of 35 there are more women then men. Men die of all other causes, injury, heart attacks, much more then women, so by the time of 65 or so when prostate diseases hit, many men are already dead. Sorry for the bad news but it is the truth, so all women and men should support all research for cancer, as it is the worst disease of all.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Since been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, WHo has been treated either with complete removal or RadiationThera

Since been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, WHo has been treated either with complete removal or RadiationThera?
There is Brachy Therapy of two types permanent and HDR High Dose Rate which is done in two sessions and is not permanent.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
I was diagnosed in June 2008 with prostate cancer. I had a biopsy and they found some cancer cells. I had a gleason score of 3+ 3. In November I had brachy therapy, ( radioactive seed implants ). I am feeling fine. Only minor discomfort after the procedure. I was back at work in 48 hours. I think brachy therapy is the way to go if your cancer is not too advanced.
2 :
I had the radical surgery in December 2007. After removing the Prostate and glands I still had the cancer. Now I'm on hormones and will have my third injection next month. For now the cancer is under control but hormones is normally a temporary fix. I have no other options since the cancer has spread. So far so good but no one knows what the future holds for me. I live my life the best I can and try not to think about it. Try to get that off your mind,
3 :
I was diagnosed with bi-lateral prostate cancer with surrounding tissue involvement. I opted for the seed implants followed by external beam radiation. This was 4 years ago and while there has been no sign of the cancer since, the side effects have been - no other word for it - hell. My brother had the same course of therapy with zero ill effects so I am not the rule, I am most likely the exception but I don't know if I would elect the same option if asked today. I have been hospitalized 4 times since the radiation, twice nearly dying and spending at least a week in ICU each time. I am totally incontinent, have gained over 70 pounds right after the radiation (edema), developed DVT, severe neuropathy in both legs/feet and type 1 diabetes. I have what has turned out to be a permanent supra-pubic catheter with collection bag. The weight gain exacerbated my existing arthritis to the point I am in a wheel chair. When diagnosed, I was sixty, in reasonably good health, using my boat frequently and basically doing anything normal for a relatively fit 60 year old. Again, I am NOT claiming to be the rule. I DO believe I am an extraordinary exception to the rule. Everything about the side effects stink, BUT I am still - a Cancer Survivor!

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

What can one do to lessen the chances of getting prostate cancer

What can one do to lessen the chances of getting prostate cancer?

Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Don't smoke. Experience
2 :
Masturbation... don't believe me...look it up!!!
3 :
No one knows how to prevent prostate cancer, but early detection is a key. all men should have a prostate cancer screening.
4 :
Snack on pumpkin seeds. And take a Saw palmetto nutraceutical I have a link to, that protects the prostate and keeps swelling away. Drop me line at and I can get you the link to getting it real cheap. I helped my father- in-law big time. He was getting up 4-5 times a night to urinate because of his swelling prostate. Not anymore!

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Is prostate cancer the same as breast cancer

Is prostate cancer the same as breast cancer?
I'm 50 years old, I'm feeling pain around prostate area and also notice at same time pain in my breasts!
Women's Health - 5 Answers
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1 :
no i belive they are two different things considering ones in the ass and one is on the chest. I do not belive they are linked
2 :
I don't think this is a serious question, but I'll answer anyway. No. Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate. Brest cancer is cancer of the breast. Obviously. And just because you feel pain there does not mean you have cancer.
3 :
Are you still here?Go to your doctor and do the demand test for prostatic antigen(PSI) and all of the demand tests.Maybe you have something real simple as prostatitis. But you are on the critical age.Don't ask us.Get the right opinion from a doctor.
4 :
Easy answer: no. Long answer: malignant cancer can spread to other parts of the body. So if you have breast cancer (which is not uncommon in men) it could spread to your prostate or the other way round. So its not a stupid question. Get yourself checked out asap! PS: please tell me your a man?!? why do you call your chest "breasts"? you can have "breast cancer" in your chest even though your a man!
5 :
No. Women don't have prostates, do they? I do know this: When breast cancer metastasizes and goes to other parts of the body, it is still breast cancer cells that are growing in your bones, brain, and other parts. So, even if it's in your brain, it's still breast cancer, not brain cancer.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

What are the chances of my dad being cured of prostate cancer

What are the chances of my dad being cured of prostate cancer?
... he was diagnosed a couple months ago..
Cancer - 11 Answers
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1 :
There are very good chances of him getting cured. Prostate cancer is a very common cancer for (older) men. I can almost guarantee you he will be cured.
2 :
Enjoy every moment you can possibly have with your dad and start taking some nice photo shots of the family and you with him. Cancer is a very cruel disease and a silent worker. All the best for the future.
3 :
Honestly, I can't say. I sugest you talk to his doctor. You will get the wrong impression on here.
4 :
There's no way for us to know. Based on several conversations with my urologist, if caught early,. the chances are quite good. The laterit is discovered.,it is more difficult to treat. I would suggest you discuss this with his urologist. Good luck to bothof you.
5 :
The odds are great if the cancer hasn't yet spread. They must have done a bone scan, and a CT of the brain, chest and abdomen? My Dad went thru prostate cancer a couple of years ago. After a couple of months of radiation he was cancer free. One thing I read when my Dad was diagnosed.. "Most men die with prostate cancer, then from it" Its a fairly slow moving cancer, so when caught early it is curable. Good luck to your Dad.
6 :
If you want to learn more about prostate cancer including treatments and survival, go to the American Cancer Society website. This is a reputable source of information with much information written for the non-medical professional.
7 :
I'll pray for him. God does miracles everyday.
8 :
His chances of being cured are very good. My father was diagnosed with advanced, metastatic (which means it had already spread) prostate cancer in 2000. We had another seven years with him thanks to advancement in drugs for even advanced cases. Sadly, he lost his battle with cancer in January. My girlfriend's father was diagnosed at the same time, but his was not as advanced. He is still healthy as a horse.
9 :
I had prostate cancer in 2005 and am fine.. I believe it depends on the type treatment one receives.. I hate to say it, but some treatments are better than others, in my opinion.. I think Proton Radiation is the very best and then the Robotic surgery is probably the second best.. To find out about Proton Radiation you can go to a website called Proton Bob. If you go there please be sure and read the Testimonial section of other Patients... Proton Radiation has no side effects and about a 90 % cure rate.. It is the very best... I personally think Harmone thereay (Lupron shots) is the least effective treatment.. It just stalls the cancer for 5-10 years and does not rid your body of the cancer.. The cancer eventually wins out over the Lupron shots... hope this helps.. also there is a book just out called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER, written by Robert J Marckini... It is great. Anyone with Prostate cancer should have it.. It tells all about Prostate cancer and tells about all of todays treatments that are available... plus it gives the good points and the bad points of each treatment type. hope this helps
10 :
11 :
I'm sixty andI just had the radical surgery for prostate at Johns Hopkins it seems that the odds of not getting it spread are very good. My post surgical pathological report was very good and that helps. I don't see why your dad cannot get a good chance of survival with the available treatments. Try for a good Urologist and don't let anyone touch your dad unless back by good experience and trainning. good luck to both .

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Monday, November 28, 2011

for treatment of prostate cancer is methotrexate a good choice

for treatment of prostate cancer is methotrexate a good choice?
I am currently taking goseralin acetate for three years and am wondering if the methotrexate and goseralin acetate are compatible and if both are needed?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'm currently taking that for might be a good choice but talk to you doctor to be sure. Best of luck to you.
2 :
Well, if your doctor told you to take them, he must know. How come you did not ask him about them?
3 :
I had prostate cancer 3 years ago. I had Proton Radiation at Loma Linda University Medical Center at Loma Linda California. I believe Proton Radiation is the very best treatment available today for Prostate Cancer... It has no side effects, your not sick during or after treatments and all of your body functions work just fine.. It is like you never had Prostate Cancer but you are cured... There is a website called Proton Bob ( bob stands for brother hood of the balloon..part of the treatment) If you check the website, be sure and read the Testimonial section of former Proton Radiation Patients. Also there is a new book out called you can beat Prostate Cancer written by Robert J. Marckini. It is great and any one with Prostate Cancer should have it.. He is a Prostate Cancer survivor. The book gives you lots of information about prostate cancer and all of the treatments available today and it out lines the pros and cons of all of the various treatments.. hope this will help... Personally I would have Proton Radiation and be over with it.. Proton Radiation is now offered by 4 hospitals in the US.. It gives the locations on the Proton Bob website

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Does masturbation increase risk for prostate cancer

Does masturbation increase risk for prostate cancer?
my little cousin,16 was caught masturbating yesterday. I asked him how long has he been doing it, he said a couple years already. Don't get me wrong he's a guy that happens to attract a lot of girls, but never have sex with them. I guess he's sort of nervous or something. But anyway I told him if he frequently masturbated, he'll develop prostate cancer in his mid 20s. I wasn't sure if I told him the truth, can you all maybe tell me if I am or not?
Cancer - 6 Answers
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1 :
Are you Catholic by any chance ?
2 :
What you told him was the exact opposite of "the truth", regular masturbation actually DECREASES the risk of developing prostate cancer in later life. You should tell your cousin you were wrong. You should also question your own motives for making up such a ridiculous lie.
3 :
No, there is no relationship between prostate cancer and masturbation. You've misled your cousin. Furthermore there is nothing inherently wrong with masturbation. I'd advise you explore your own body and find this out for yourself. By the way, it's good that your 16 year cousin isn't having sex with anybody just yet. He may not have the maturity for that and society is struggling with underaged mothers. Best for him to masturbate and leave sex for later on.
4 :
leave the poor kid alone..bless him, it is natural for a boy, and it cant harm.
5 :
6 :
if that was true EVERY man would have it prostate cancer happens only in older men over 40

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prostate cancer- should i choose radiation therapy, or go for removal of the prostate

prostate cancer- should i choose radiation therapy, or go for removal of the prostate?
I am 61 years old and recently diagnosed with low grade prostate cancer. I have to decide on radiation therapy or complete removal of the prostate. I would like to hear from anyone who can shed some light on this for me. I am leaning toward radiation, but need to know if this therapy makes people sick. All responses will be much appreciated. The "seeds" therapy is not an option for me, due to the size of my prostate.
I would like to hear from all.
Men's Health - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm sorry I have no medical insights for you. But I am praying for you.
2 :
You need to get several opinions. I have heard that the latest thinking is that drs are being too aggressive in their treatment of prostate cancer and that many times nothing is needed. My father had prostate cancer and never had treatment. He died twenty years later of heart failure. By the way Carolyn, how do you come by having a prostate gland?
3 :
I would take my DR. advise. And yes radiation does make you sick. Remember this is your health and your life you are talking about.
4 :
The radiation will make you sick.If you chose that make sure of the recovery rate compared to radiation.Ask your doc which one he would recommend for himself.Then you have to decide because of the size of the prostate is it golf ball size or baseball size. how much discomfort are you having when you urinate,how much is your bladder deleting. Go on line google prostate cancer and read. good luck and god bless you
5 :
I had what they call cryosurgery when I had prostate cancer. I had it done in 1998. They freeze the prostate. I had to get a shot (think it was called lupron (not sure if I spelt that right) every month for six months to shrink the prostate before they did the operation. Go to a web site about prostate surgery and you should get some information on cryosurgery. They didn't remove the prostate they just froze it. I did not have to go through radiation treatments, I was in the hospital for about 9 - 10 days. I stayed in longer because I had some heart problems. I was 62 when they did this. Ask your doctor about cryosurgery. They have come up with some better ways since I had my surgery. Wish you well and good luck
6 :
Both. The only way to kill the cancer for sure is both. Besides you don't need it anymore. You're done with it. You can't tell by looking at you that your prostrate is gone.
7 :
Well, 1st of all therapy depends on which stage your cancer prostate is, If it's still localized then you can try radiation to avoid the complications of surgery. Still radiation is unsafe and it might case you some (sickness), but it's better t han surgery in only one point, you can still get erections (still a probability), surgery causes erectile dysfunction and you can for surgery only if you decide you don't want erections anymore. There's also cryotherapy which is destruction of the tumor by freezing it, still safer than radiation and surgery, but less effective. You should discuss all the options with your doctor putting in mind that if you went for surgery, there would be no more erections. I wish you all the best and you have all my sympathy.
8 :
Discuss all the options with a first class urologist and do not be afraid to get a second opinion. By the way, do not listen to those here who tell you that removal of the prostate inevitably causes erectile dysfunction - if the nerve bundles are spared during the operation, you will function well enough after a recovery period, possibly with the aid of oral or intracavernous medication. The trick is to get a urologist who is au fait with the latest techniques for treating this disease and not simply to accept what the first local consultant says. Good luck!
9 :
Choose neither. Go for alternative methods which are more successful and less painful. Please spend time reading the following page in detail which will explain why. It has a specific section on radation. Cancer

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to get rid of prostate cancer

How to get rid of prostate cancer?
Hi yahoo answers tell me the ways to get rid of cancer
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Hi Samy - You don't. You get it treated and hopefully forced into permanent remission but the word "cure" isn't used when referring to cancer -not yet anyway. I had radioactive seed implants (brachytherapy) followed by external beam radiation for mine and so far so good. My bi-annual PSA tests have come up with welcome news since '06. Some folks also opt for prostate removal with equally good results. It depends a lot on how advanced the cancer is and whether or not it is confined to the prostate. Once you determine that, you discuss the options with your treating oncologist, talk to folks who have had the treatments and decide which is best for you. Best of luck to you however you choose. P.S. "Flomax" IS often prescribed for men who have problems urinating following treatment or even to help make sure they don't have trouble. It is NOT used to treat cancer but is prescribed by urologists for a number of urinary diseases and it is helpful. It was useless for me as my treatment went awry due to some misdirected radiation.
2 :
My aunt had breast cancer and she took sea kelp liquid and red palm oil the first two months she was diagnosed and her tumer shrunk. Then she did chemo with taking that and her cancer and tumor was gone in 4 treatments of chemo.
3 :
Prostate cancer, however, is usually a slow growing form of cancer which responds well to treatment.The first step in prostate cancer prevention is to improve your general health. Weight should be within the normal range for your height. If you are very overweight..Avoid taking sugar and drink plenty of water which is the best method to avoid any diseases..

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why is there so much attention for breast cancer and not prostate cancer

Why is there so much attention for breast cancer and not prostate cancer?
overall more attention given to women's health rather then men's when both can obviously die from their health. and please this is not sexist, i'm just curious
Politics - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Boobies are pretty. Prostate glands aren't.
2 :
*giggles* @ the question.
3 :
There's a 2:1 ratio.
4 :
I have wondered the same thing. Facts of the matter show that more men die from prostate cancer each year than women die from breast cancer. It's not cool to care about men's health and wear colours helping a cause for men. It is sexist.
5 :
Industrial accidents kill more men than all forms of cancer combined. Yep, men die from going to work more often than they die of cancer.
6 :
There are parallels when talking about the herd health of animals and their management. For instance the killing of black bears or deer is primarily targeted at the males of the species. One male may mate with numerous females to ensure the future of the species. The males are therefore of far less concern.
7 :
traditionally, and statistically, women are less prone to go the the doctors to take care of their bodies. men will go to the doctor immediately if his johnson is not functioning properly.
8 :
Men don't like talking about being sick. Women are more open talking about their illness than men. Women are more likely to go the doctor and men rather suffer and die before going to the doctor.
9 :
this is a great question as prostate cancer affects more people than the later does. Maybe we could have brown ribbons and races to raise awareness.
10 :
We would rather here about boobs than testicals
11 :
Breast cancer left untreated will certainly lead to death. Most men will die from other forms of cancer than prostrate. By the way... Take two capsules of Saw Palmetto to ease prostrate enlargement. I used to pee like Mel Tillis talked before using this simple and safe herb.
12 :
Could have something to do with the reluctance of men to schedule regular medical check ups. Most women have a breast exam and mammogram every year. I see as many ads on TV encouraging men to have prostrate exams as ads for breast exams for women. If you are interested in comparisons between male and female health you should know most tests and studies on medications are confined to testing men.
13 :
Because breast cancer (which can affect men as well) is far deadlier and far more likely to metastasize. Because we haven't seen the dramatic increase in prostate cancer that we've seen with breast cancer. Because the medical community (of which I'm a part) didn't even do cancer research specifically on women until the early '80s-prior to that all treatment for women's cancers was based on research done on men, on other cancers-so there's some catch-up going on. I disagree with your statement that there's more of an emphasis on women's health than men's-statistically in this nation it's women who have an access gap when it comes to healthcare, particularly preventative care.
14 :
Only recently have women been given attention in the medical establishments and it is because of all the marches and protests. Go back 20-30 years ago and you'll find that the only time women's health got any funding or research was when it involved fertility. Fact - when midol was developed for menstrual cramping they did the testing on men.
15 :
No you aren't funny - - yes you are being sexist - - and this is why you don't have any girlfriends!
16 :
Men can get breast cancer too. And sometimes they raise money for "cancer," which goes to ALL types of cancer. But I'm DEFINITELY a supporter of breast cancer research, my Mom passed from her 2nd recurrence of breast cancer on 12/25/04, God Rest her Soul.
17 :
Prostate cancer basically only affects men after a certain age. Breast cancer can affect girls/women at any age

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is it true that husbands with prostate cancer can cause their wives to get breast cancer

Is it true that husbands with prostate cancer can cause their wives to get breast cancer?
I was told this by my mother. She said that it happens through sexual contact and wasn't for sure if there was a way for this to happen, kind of like cervical cancer is caused by sexual contact with men when women get older.
Cancer - 13 Answers
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1 :
Where do you hear such nonsense, your mother? Are you serious, of course not. Cancer isnt one illness, its a collective name for a multitude of illnesses.
2 :
Uh.....NO! And not all cervical cancer is caused by sexual contact. It is called HPV (a sexually transmitted disease) that will lead to cervical cancer!
3 :
That is a load of bovine excrement! Cancer is not contagious and prostate and breast cancer are completely different. Your mother doesn't know what she is talking about
4 :
I think you should ask someone that knows about this stuff. I ain't never heard that it could happen.
5 :
Never heard of such a thing. And I am quite sure All of Us would have by now. Every TV station has something going about "prostate cancer", many celebrates have died from it and brought this to World Attention. So if you could get "cancer" from having "sex" with a man who has "prostate cancer", DON'T YOU THINK THE WORLD WOULD KNOW THAT. Your mother has something else on her Agenda. Now go check it out for yourself and call the Cancer Society.
6 :
No. cancer is not something like bacteria or a virus. Numerous things cause it. The closest thing I can think of that represents this is men getting cancer gives their wives more stress which makes them more likely to get cancer. But they still need the pre-disposition.
7 :
Absolutely NOT TRUE! Your mother needs to be educated about cancer. Tell her to go to the (American Cancer Society ) and get the facts!
8 :
Cancer is not a communicable or transmittable disease. So if men happen to have prostate cancer and have sexual contact with women, it will NOT cause breast cancer. There are many factors that causes cancer (hereditary, environment) but it is not communicable or transmittable by direct or indirect contact.
9 :
Absolutely not. It is not possible to 'catch' any form of cancer by any means.
10 :
That is the biggest load of Bovine Scathology I ever heard! Your mother needs to go back to school. Cancer is not contagious. Human Papillovirus is and can lead to cervical cancer according to recent studies. There is absolutely now way that having sex with a man who has prostate cancer can give you cervical cancer.
11 :
Cancer is not an STD, so the answer is no.
12 :
13 :
i would have your mother checked for partial retardation cuz she seems to lack any common sense

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Friday, November 4, 2011

What are the stages of colon,prostate, and lung cancer.

What are the stages of colon,prostate, and lung cancer.?
My dad was diagnosed of lung , and prostate or colon cancer on januarary 18, 2008. What stage cane he be in right now ?
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Did he have all three? Was it prostate or colon? What treatments did he receive?
2 :
They are all staged 1-4 and it is very unlikely he was diagnosed with all 3 at the same time. It is probably stage 4 on one of them.
3 :
check out these research groups

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How long can a 58 year old live with Gleason level 8 prostate cancer

How long can a 58 year old live with Gleason level 8 prostate cancer?

Cancer - 2 Answers
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1 :
Don't know. You have cancer?
2 :
No one can even guess at that solely by the Gleason score, although the score and the age are not good prognostic factors. This is something that should be discussed with you urologist.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

I've been told that Prostate Cancer is something that WILL happen in all males, is this true

I've been told that Prostate Cancer is something that WILL happen in all males, is this true?
Meaning like genetics don't mean anything. Will this happen to all males like a period will come to all females?
Men's Health - 12 Answers
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1 :
No it is NOT true.
2 :
No. There are plenty of men that live out their lives without prostate cancer.
3 :
That's definitely NOT true, young man. I'm 69 years old and never had prostrate cancer.
4 :
no just watch your pissing habbits
5 :
No, no one can know if they will get cancer or not.
6 :
how can anyone predict what will happen too you we could tell you you will be run over by a car this weekend will you believe us they are making great progress on prostate cancer and we think it will be the other way around in the near future it will be rare too get it
7 :
Mike, Horse-hockey! Prostate Cancer still affects a small population of males. There is genetic predisposition, and PC runs in family lines. If you are athletic, and sexually active, you have less chance of developing it. PC is on the rise however, and is striking younger guys. Many believe this is due to environmental exposure to chemicals that mimc hormones in the male body. If you are a young guy (teens ,early 20's), then you need to be concentrating on Testicular cancer and checking your balls.
8 :
Yes if all males have lifespan of 200 years.
9 :
No. But we are all likely to get benign hyperplasia or enlargement of the Prostate gland from middle age onwards. It actually could have something analogous with the famale memopause (when periods stop). Dcotors like people to report symptoms early so that any real cancers can be caught while they are more easily treatable. Commonsense.
10 :
NO...! . Enlarged or other issues..? Could be.. . There is NO reason men will get this form of cancer over any other, however, this gland is HIGHLY used all during a males life from 16 to 60 and up. . Every time you have a orgasm, IT is the thing that produces most of the white stiff that gets spit on floor, washed down the shower drain or captured in a Goodyear.. Like other parts of the body, there are 2 camps here. 1 that says it's good to exercise the gland, and often, then 2, the ones who say it's bad for you.. . I tend to drift into camp #1's thought. However, nature is more wicked and un fair than just about anything here. Just as a women (most anyhow) are getting into their prime sexual active years, high 30's to mid 50's, many men are now declining from mid their mid 40's and up. . While a womans sexual drive is YaHoo, geddie up lil doggie as they get older, men's lil doggie just don't wanna come out n play too much any more. The mind may be active, but the body isn't. ED is more common and a worse curse than prostate cancer. . When men no longer can get it up to do anything, many just slip into their man caves and drink beer, cuss a lot and become armchair sports figures. Some go fishing or buy a bright red sports car. . Fact is, the gland is no longer being used, flushed out, and the fluid it makes now just sets there to be slowly re-absorbed back into the body, hopefully. My belief is, this fluid, just setting, is bad for the gland and it needs to be emptied, often, especially in active men. If it just sets, like anything else, it's not good and problems may occur. .
11 :
What absolute rubbish! Where DO you people get this nonsense from ! ! !
12 :
Definitely not. That logic is flawed. Provided you take good care of your health and wellbeing, you should have good functioning organs for your whole life.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Can masturbation reduce the risk of prostate cancer

Can masturbation reduce the risk of prostate cancer?
Just wondering.
Men's Health - 11 Answers
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1 :
Yes, ejaculation 21 + times a month can reduce the chances of getting Prostate cancer up to 70 percent. and, it feels good so why not have sex/masturbate!
2 :
Only if you do it more than 5 times a day.
3 :
Cancer is a Genetic thing and masturbation has no clinical effect of it.
4 :
wow i guess im never gona get prostate cancer. lol
5 :
Actually, it goes up 1000%. Stop while you're ahead.
6 :
no it doesn't it increases the risk by 30 %
7 :
There was a scientific study done in the past couple of years about this subject. The study found that men you ejaculated a lot in life had a significantly greater change of NOT getting prostate cancer. It seems that when we ejaculate certain substances are removed from the prostate (I don't know what they are). By not ejaculating often these substances accummulate over the years and create a place for cancer to occur. So go wank and enjoy!
8 :
Men over age 50 who masterbate at least 3 times a week are 75% less likely to get prostate cancer than those who masterbate less or not at all.
9 :
simply put yes, so do it all u want
10 :
According to a team of researchers in Australia led by Dr. Graham Giles, males who masturbated most often when they were in their teens and 20s had the least incidence of prostate cancer later. They did this study by asking a group of men with prostate cancer and an age-matched group without prostate cancer how often they had masturbated and had sexual intercourse at various times in their lives. They found that the males whose sexual outlet when they were young was primarily masturbating were better off than those whose sexual outlet was primarily intercourse. They speculated that by engaging in sexual intercourse, those men were exposing themselves to STDs that also put their prostate at risk. So one of the surprising findings of this research is that ejaculating by masturbating is better than ejaculating by intercourse, at least for males without a monogamous partner. Who woulda thunk it?! Dr. Giles recommends that males masturbate at least six times a week. So why has he not been given the Nobel prize for medicine?
11 :
there has been no conclusive evidence regarding that...

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

can dogs get testecular or prostate cancer if they are nootered

can dogs get testecular or prostate cancer if they are nootered?
so yah can they?
Dogs - 5 Answers
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1 :
If they are "neutered", they cannot get testicular cancer because there are NO testicles. They can still get prostate cancer, but the chances are less.
2 :
Without testicles they cannot get testicular cancer (neutering removes both testicles). Neutered males can still get Prostate cancer, but the chances are slim to none.
3 :
As the others have pointed out, a dog can not get testicular cancer if he doesn't have testicles. So no, there is absolutely NO chance that a neutered dog could possibly have testicular cancer. Neutered dogs do still have a prostate and therefor CAN develop prostate cancer. However, it is very rare in neutered dogs.
4 :
A dog loses his testiculars when he's neutered, so he can't get testicular cancer. He can get prostate cancer, but the risk is much lower. Yes, I said testiculars. It's a Jeff Foxworthy thing.
5 :
It cant get testicular cancer because it doesn't have any testicles. and it greatly cuts down on the risk of getting prostate cancer

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The chances of dying from Prostate Cancer are 604% higher in UK and 457% higher in Norway than here in the US

The chances of dying from Prostate Cancer are 604% higher in UK and 457% higher in Norway than here in the US?
Is this really the kind of health care you want? Stand up to Congress and say no to Obamacare and OLIGARHY. You're not alone.
Politics - 13 Answers
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1 :
Well if the country can't even afford basic commodities, what makes you think they can have good health care. YEah it's good free health care, oh we can't afford a MRI machine... The UN ranks health care on things that favor socialism It's sad they look at quantity, we look at quality.
2 :
Obama is working hard to bring the U.S. closer to those numbers.
3 :
I don't think anyone is arguing the quality of care in the US. It's the cost that's the problem. I don't agree with the approach of the current administration, but the cost problem shouldn't be ignored.
4 :
no, we do not want soviet style gov't medicine
5 :
It's Called DIET! Do some homework for a change BECK instead of throwing up on your Mike.
6 :
Of course not. We should ge the best from both systems. See what the death rate in America is for those who can't afford health insurance, if you think our system is perfect.
7 :
I can make up numbers, too. Clearly you don't know much about math because statistics can't go higher than 100%. Thanks for playing.
8 :
Norwegians and UK peeps don't like doctors other other sticking things up their bums as much as Americans.
9 :
ya, i saw that on glen beck yesterday myself, when are going to wake up and and face the facts? where's our representation in congress?? this health care crap is being rammed down our throats.
10 :
STFU Beck avatar... you got an avatar of a doosh bag did you know that? also did you know his mother and sister both killed themselves? who wouldn't being related to a dumbass like Beck OBAMA.. 2 TERMS.. BRING ON SOCIALISM
11 :
Funny that we don't hardly see any complaints from those countries who have socialised health care, especially when this forum is open to the rest of the world. Your for profit system sucks, medical debt is the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the US, which in its self is retarded, as are your ridiculous statistics!!!
12 :
At least my dumb ass knows how to phrase my point into the form of a "question"? You are speaking to someone here,me,that currently has to file for bankruptcy even though I carried the best insurance that money can buy! This is because I had to go into the hospital recently. HELLO! But Glenn, I'm sure you can afford any hospital bill without insurance since you have invented your unique neo-con "the sky is falling" style of "rake in the money" broadcasting.
13 :
"I can make up numbers, too. Clearly you don't know much about math because statistics can't go higher than 100%. Thanks for playing." You may be more important than me, but you also know less about math than you think Glenn Beck does. Multiples of 100% simply mean that the chances are multiplied by that amount. A 604% greater chance simply means that you have are 6.04 times more likely to die from prostate cancer in the UK than in the US. And to answer Glenn's question (which aparently the fool above me was unable to read), I reject ANY government control over the health care industry. I would roll back current controls, not increase them.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How can you tell if you have prostate problems or prostate cancer? What is a prostate

How can you tell if you have prostate problems or prostate cancer? What is a prostate?

Men's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
you will have to go pee a lot. a prostate is what is above the blader
2 :
The prostate adds fluids to semen. Sometimes difficulty urinating is a clue, because it pushes on the urethra. A doctor can tell by feeling it with a gloved finger inserted in the anus.
3 :
The prostate is the gland that provides most of the liquid for the ejaculate. Prostrate problems exhibit themselves when you have difficulty urinating (small stream, no pressure) and/or frequent urination. To see if one has prostrate cancer, one must get a test done by a physician

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

How long does someone have to live if they have prostate cancer

how long does someone have to live if they have prostate cancer?
my husband has prostate cancer and wont get it fixed i was wondering how long he has to live
Cancer - 9 Answers
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1 :
There is no way of knowing for sure. It can be a few month's to a few years.
2 :
If he is not going for the treatment, then it will depend on how healthy he was to start with and how lucky he was. My brother-in-law was only given a couple of months. Both his sons had time to impregnate their wives and deliver grandchildren before he died. I think he went almost 18 months.
3 :
It depends on how soon it is recognized. If biopsies confirm that the cancer hasn't spread from the prostate gland, than there is an excellent chance for recovery with either surgery or various forms of radiation or even freezing the gland. It the cancer has metastasized, then chemo and hormone therapy may be an option. If it has metastasized to the bone, then if could be a matter of weeks or months, depending on when you first realized the extent of the cancer.
4 :
How foolish of him and how sad for you. It is done every day and the survival rate is great! He has to speak to his Dr. again. Try to make him realize what he is doing, not just to himself, but the whole family.
5 :
It varies from person to person. It all depends on what stage of cancer he is in.
6 :
There is no reason to die from prostate cancer. Your husband is fearful and/or selfish. Brachytherapy and radiation is the treatment I opted for. It was easy and relatively painless, and I am fully functional now. I expect to live for another 50 years. My treatment center:
7 :
prostate cancer is the easiest cancer to cure - there must be a psychological reason he does not want to go through treatment Please sit down and talk with him or have him talk with someone professionally- it seems he has a death wish almost. call the American cancer society at 18002272345 get some info on prostate cancer let him read it let him see what the treatment is - has he talked to his doctor about the treatment- find out what is bothering him and try to assure him of it please- with this type of cancer if caught in time he does not need to die
8 :
My father has prostate cancer and his prognosis was BAD when he was first diagnosed (his PSA was 250 and it had already metastasized to his bones). However, he underwent hormone therapy (Lupron shots and Casodex) and he lived the next seven and a half years relatively healthy. Unfortunately, in Sept. of this year we learned the cancer has spread farther and he is in his final days, however, he FAR outlived everyone's expectations. Now, my girlfriend's father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the same time as my father, it had not spread, he had surgery to remove it and he is healthy as a horse and cancer free.
9 :
Prostate cancer is fairly slow growing in it's early stages, dependingon how old he is and how advanced it was when he was first diagnosed he may still have many years left. A few have been known to live out their lives not knowing they had prostate cancer. Having said that, it is very curable so he'd benifit a great amount from having treatment (but of course you already know that). His health care team may have a better chance of convincing him to give treatment a try. If there's a particular type of treament he's worried about he probably doesn't even need to go though it as there are lots of different methods of curing prostate cancer. The one thing i would say is that, if the cancer becomes very advanced, it's going to cause him a lot more pain and suffering than any treament will do so, in my opinion, he's far better off being treated than suffering at the end.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How do I prevent prostate cancer

How do I prevent prostate cancer?
and how should I ask my doctor about it ? Does he stick his finger up my bum ?
Men's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Never get old! This is what my cancer doctor who treated me for prostate cancer told us during a seminar.
2 :
I say the best way to prevent it is a good diet - which can lead to a healthier longivity. Take this website to heed, if you are interested:

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Why does google have 34 million hits for breast cancer, and only 12 million for prostate cancer

Why does google have 34 million hits for breast cancer, and only 12 million for prostate cancer?
Point of fact: men are just as likely to get prostate cancer, as women are to get breast cancer.
Gender Studies - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Misandry, clearly.
2 :
Was *12 MILLION* not enough for you to find the information you need? Yeah, misandry...*Clearly.* What with only 12 million, it amounts to an all out conspiracy. Geez, I hope you people aren't in earnest.
3 :
Because the media talks about it more and people tend to accessorize it with pretty pink ribbons. That's why.
4 :
Mostly because of the total amount of research dollars that has gone into br. ca. research- both basic science and clinical. Much more money goes into br. ca. research and tons of money goes into very advanced screening modalities for breast cancer. A small fraction of the research dollars go into prostate research and the only screening we have is PSA and DRE (which cost about $1.22) compared to radiographic, US, MR that's used simply in the imaging of breast for screening, not to mention serologic assays in certain population. It's disgraceful, really.
5 :
It's a feminist conspiracy.
6 :
Because this is America!!!
7 :
It's all math, dude. Two breasts per woman. One prostate per man. You wouldn't argue math, would you? ='o(
8 :
cause breast cancer is more common then prostate cancer
9 :
One reason might be because men can get breast cancer, too. It is not a form of cancer that is exclusive to women.
10 :
Because breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer, right after the lung cancer with more than half of million deaths worldwide each year, it has nothing to do with the gender issues, after all men can get breast cancer too

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