Friday, November 28, 2008

Which candidate successfully got increased funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma? Clinton or Obama

Which candidate successfully got increased funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma? Clinton or Obama?
Increased research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health? I looked it up and it was Hillary. You are right.
Elections - 2 Answers
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I'll answer your propaganda with Guess which one made THE TOP TEN MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS LIST on Judicial Watch?? Answer: Both did and both are still keeping there ratings. Hillary has the #1 spot Obama has #8 Making the top ten most corrupt is quite a achievement because the list shows any corruption of ALL Politicians Republican and Democrats. THE TOP 10!!! But Liberals care less about corruption . If you eliminate ALL Political Corruption you would be eliminating All the Liberal Democrat Party! A very good idea indeed!

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