Monday, December 1, 2008

Why don't men have the same intensity to fight prostate cancer like women fight breast cancer

Why don't men have the same intensity to fight prostate cancer like women fight breast cancer?
Women have turned breast cancer into a national movement and I so proud of them for that. But on the other hand men are not trying to turn prostate cancer into the national movement like breast cancer. Why?
Politics - 23 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because a brown ribbon with nuts in it would be so tacky!
2 :
Men does not like to get personal. Imagine our ads would be like when a doctor would stick his finger for digital exam for the rest of the world to see, not funny......
3 :
Men are simply more vain than women.
4 :
Because men's health receive more funding and research than women's. There are more treatments geared to treat men's issues, for instance, think of all the ads you see just to help men with their sexual experiences...not life threatening yet more research dollars (federal and private) have been spent on this issue than on breast cancer research.
5 :
i think men are actually more ashamed of it...Woman seem to be ok saying i lost a boob but guys don't wanna say Oh i lost a nut...
6 :
It's more embarrassing than boobs. Boobs are universally appreciated n
7 :
Movements are nice but progress is better Dendreon prostate cancer drug prolongs survival in trial By David B. Wilkerson Last update: 8:59 a.m. EDT April 14, 2009 CHICAGO (MarketWatch) -- Dendreon Corp. (DNDN: Dendreon Corporation News , chart , profile , more Last: 20.63+13.33+182.53% 10:06am 04/14/2009 DNDN 20.63, +13.33, +182.5%) said Tuesday that its Provenge treatment prolonged the survival of men who had advanced prostate cancer in a Phase III trial of the drug. The company said the successful trial means Provenge may represent the first in a new class of active cellular immunotherapies designed to engage the patient's own immune system against cancer. Because the data meet the criteria and specifications outlined in Dendreon's Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the company intends to move forward in the fourth quarter of this year to gain licensure of Provenge. End of Story
8 :
I agree, and my family are avid contributors to the fighting cancer cause. "In 2006, Britain's net contribution to the EU budget was £3.9bn" If the UK Government stop wasting money on crap like the EU, I believe amazing advances in treatment could be discovered earlier. Just imagine if the UK Government gave even just a fraction of that £3.9 BILLION to Cancer research!!
9 :
I strongly disagree with you. My husband has prostate cancer and is very active in a group here in Atlanta. They spend a lot of time and effort setting up booths and such to educate people about the problem. He tells me that they are very disappointed that the media does little to promote their efforts, as it does with breast cancer.
10 :
men work all day, housewives get bored and take up causes
11 :
The death rate from breast cancer is higher. By the time men get prostate cancer they are pretty old, and the disease can progress slowly. Also - woman will go in for mammograms. Men do not want to go in for a prostate exam, especially at 30 when prostate cancer won't get them until they are over 50.
12 :
Because people would rather talk about breasts than @$$holes. . . It sounds like I am trying to be funny, but it really is that simple.
13 :
Here is a joke that explains why: Q: Know why husbands usually die before their wives do? A: Because they WANT to!
14 :
because we men like to think we're indestructible. we don't like to think theres something wrong with any part of us. especially in the most sensitive and personal of areas
15 :
hehe u said breast
16 :
males are weaker.
17 :
Neon the Unknown you rock loved your answer...
18 :
They do
19 :
It is not nearly as deadly as breast cancer... while they have similar rates of occurance, prostate cancer kills about 3% of those who get it while breast cancer kills about 8% or women dx'd with early stage and over 40% with later stages.
20 :
Good question. I don't know. I think they should.
21 :
There is already a cure for cancer but the elitists keep it secret to reduce world population. They have created and weaponized viruses like HIV/aids and in future bird flu to wipe out billions. see the Georgia Guide stones. Eventually the Rotschilds may even turn on the Rockerfellers
22 :
The simple reason is that Prostate cancer is rarely deadly. Nearly all men get it in the late stages of life. Most who do get diagnosed in their seventies or eighties die from other causes. Many men die with prostate cancer. Relatively few die from prostate cancer. The most common treatment for elderly men is 'Watchful Waiting" meaning you do nothing - because it is slow growing and not causing serious symptoms. It is different for younger men who get diagnosed, or older men who are otherwise healthy. The stage and speed of the cancer also comes into play. There are many treatment options and support groups for them. Without early diagnoses and aggressive treatment breast cancer is nearly always fatal. Prostate cancer rarely is because it is typically not very aggressive and because of the stage of life it typically occurs in. So it is hard to base a Breast-cancer-like national movement on a disease that while far more common, does not have any where near the death rate or impact on peoples lives.
23 :
It is because men usually get prostate cancer at a later age and are less apt to fight. To Jehen: I disagree with you that prostate cancer is rarely fatal. Prostate cancer can be very deadly and can spread rapidly. I lost someone I loved to prostate cancer. It was discovered early and he battled it for years. It spread and did horrible things to him before he died.

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