Thursday, November 24, 2011

Does masturbation increase risk for prostate cancer

Does masturbation increase risk for prostate cancer?
my little cousin,16 was caught masturbating yesterday. I asked him how long has he been doing it, he said a couple years already. Don't get me wrong he's a guy that happens to attract a lot of girls, but never have sex with them. I guess he's sort of nervous or something. But anyway I told him if he frequently masturbated, he'll develop prostate cancer in his mid 20s. I wasn't sure if I told him the truth, can you all maybe tell me if I am or not?
Cancer - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Are you Catholic by any chance ?
2 :
What you told him was the exact opposite of "the truth", regular masturbation actually DECREASES the risk of developing prostate cancer in later life. You should tell your cousin you were wrong. You should also question your own motives for making up such a ridiculous lie.
3 :
No, there is no relationship between prostate cancer and masturbation. You've misled your cousin. Furthermore there is nothing inherently wrong with masturbation. I'd advise you explore your own body and find this out for yourself. By the way, it's good that your 16 year cousin isn't having sex with anybody just yet. He may not have the maturity for that and society is struggling with underaged mothers. Best for him to masturbate and leave sex for later on.
4 :
leave the poor kid alone..bless him, it is natural for a boy, and it cant harm.
5 :
6 :
if that was true EVERY man would have it prostate cancer happens only in older men over 40

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