Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How can you tell if you have prostate problems or prostate cancer? What is a prostate

How can you tell if you have prostate problems or prostate cancer? What is a prostate?

Men's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
you will have to go pee a lot. a prostate is what is above the blader
2 :
The prostate adds fluids to semen. Sometimes difficulty urinating is a clue, because it pushes on the urethra. A doctor can tell by feeling it with a gloved finger inserted in the anus.
3 :
The prostate is the gland that provides most of the liquid for the ejaculate. Prostrate problems exhibit themselves when you have difficulty urinating (small stream, no pressure) and/or frequent urination. To see if one has prostrate cancer, one must get a test done by a physician

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