Monday, November 28, 2011

for treatment of prostate cancer is methotrexate a good choice

for treatment of prostate cancer is methotrexate a good choice?
I am currently taking goseralin acetate for three years and am wondering if the methotrexate and goseralin acetate are compatible and if both are needed?
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm currently taking that for might be a good choice but talk to you doctor to be sure. Best of luck to you.
2 :
Well, if your doctor told you to take them, he must know. How come you did not ask him about them?
3 :
I had prostate cancer 3 years ago. I had Proton Radiation at Loma Linda University Medical Center at Loma Linda California. I believe Proton Radiation is the very best treatment available today for Prostate Cancer... It has no side effects, your not sick during or after treatments and all of your body functions work just fine.. It is like you never had Prostate Cancer but you are cured... There is a website called Proton Bob ( bob stands for brother hood of the balloon..part of the treatment) If you check the website, be sure and read the Testimonial section of former Proton Radiation Patients. Also there is a new book out called you can beat Prostate Cancer written by Robert J. Marckini. It is great and any one with Prostate Cancer should have it.. He is a Prostate Cancer survivor. The book gives you lots of information about prostate cancer and all of the treatments available today and it out lines the pros and cons of all of the various treatments.. hope this will help... Personally I would have Proton Radiation and be over with it.. Proton Radiation is now offered by 4 hospitals in the US.. It gives the locations on the Proton Bob website

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