It's been almost 5 months and his wife is pregenant but is it possible? His doctor told him 2 years but another doctor was telling him six months? Or is it possible she can be seeing someone else and wants it to seem it's his when it is not?

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Most men with prostate cancer are at an age where they do not want kids, but yes it is still possible to father children without a prostate. EDIT: The prostate produces about 25% of the semen and 0% of the sperm and men are capable of ejaculation after a prostatectomy. The prostate produces a substance that allows sperm to live longer once it has entered the female. Without this substance the sperm is more likely to die and obviously decreases fertility, but it does not wipe out the possibility all together. SECOND EDIT: fototag is correct!!!! Without the seminal vesicles no way to get pregnant. I don̢۪t know what I was thinking. Apparently I wasn̢۪t. I apologize.
2 :
If anyone knows the answer to this, it's Denisedd
3 :
Not likely. The prostate gland produces the bulk of semen which carries and provides nutrients for the sperm cells. After prostate surgery there is no prostate gland and therefore no semen. After surgery it is not possible to ejaculate semen/sperm cells because there is no semen. Bottom line: no prostate, no semen, no sperm cell carrier, no ejaculation, no pregnancy. David
4 :
There are different types of prostate surgery but if a man has a "Radical Prostatectomy" he can no longer ejaculate semen or sperm. I don't know where some of these people get these totally absurd and ridiculous notions that a man can get his wife pregnant without a prostate. When they remove the prostate they also remove the seminal vesicles and several openings in the prostate that secrete fluids into the semen to protect the sperm keeping it alive. The only way a woman could get pregnant is to have sperm removed from his testicles and artificially inseminated into her ovaries or an egg to be fertilized in a test tube.Other wise, no prostate no babies!
5 :
I'm puzzled by your question. Your other questions and answers show that you are in your late teens. How much older than you is the brother who has prostate cancer? Prostate cancer is so rare in young men that there are no statistics available for the disease incidence in men under 35. It's extremely rare in men under 50, over 80% of men diagnosed with it are over 65 and half of all cases occur in men over 75.
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