If not, what testicular problems are possible? Because I have some sort of lump that hurts. No need to inform me to see a doctor, I'm well aware I should, just looking for some opinions. Like I said I'm just wondering what people have to say before I can go to the doctor, today is Sunday, the doctors office is closed, tomorrow is a holiday, I'm just being proactive trying to understand any possible problems beforehand.

Men's Health - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well if you have a prostate you can get prostate cancer. This is like asking if a guy can get "breast" cancer. It may be rare but that doesn't make it impossible.
2 :
Unfortunately, yes. Good luck and Gold Bless you!
3 :
If you are well aware of the fact that you need to see a doctor - then why are you bothering asking Men's Health? Are you hoping someone will tell you something you WANT to hear? Get yourself to a doctor like you know you should & get it checked out.
4 :
Hey, bro. The lump is nothing to worry about. It may be just a pimple of some kind (yes, it's possible to get some down there) or it may be this harmless trait that about 60% of men have. Lemme find the link to it. Here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fordyce%27s_spot
5 :
testicular problems are different fro prostate problems... which would make it testicular cancer i say see a doctor and let them decide
6 :
This would not be anything to do with your prostate. It has to do with your testicle. As you are aware, you need to see the doctor, and I am glad you recognize this. To ease your mind, there are many other reasons that you could have a painful lump on your testicle. One possibility is epididymitis, an infection of the epididymis, which is where the spermatic cord (vas deferens) attaches to the testis. It is located on the back of the testis. An infection or inflammation there can feel like a lump, and is quite painful. (I've had this myself.) Another possibility is a cyst. This could also be like what you're describing. Yet another possibility is a testicular torsion, a twisting of the spermatic cord (vas deferens). This could also cause swelling which feels like a lump. It is quite painful. Again, I'm glad you are willing to see a doctor. Chances are very, very good that this is something fairly easy to treat. Good luck.
7 :
Unfortunately it is possible, but very unlikely. You need to go and see your doctor as you have said you will. Have a look at this article. I do hope that it helps http://www.prostatehealthnews.org/what-causes-prostate-cancer.html I wish you sincere luck
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