Thursday, August 4, 2011

I have robotic prostate cancer surgery on the 21st. What should I do to prepare

I have robotic prostate cancer surgery on the 21st. What should I do to prepare?
My doctor seems to have no pre-op instructions but I'm sure I should do something.
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Make sure your robot feels safe and secure.
2 :
There are some details on this subject at this link viewarticle/531751_4 Hope this helps matador 89
3 :
What is it about the 21st? That's the day I also go "under the knife, as well. My doctor is using a perineal approach. I wish us both luck! The best site I can offer you is our Yahoo Prostate Cancer Support Forum. Do a search within the forum. There are lots of good answers for you. According to my urologist and physiotrist there is not a whole lot that you can do for yourself aside from Kegel exercises. You may ask your surgeon if he advises you to self-donate blood... just in case... I am trying to prepare my mind, body, and spirit using meditation, pelvic floor exercises, and even biofeedback. Hey! It may not be effective, but at least I feel I am still in control and doing something is always better than not. I'm also a member of our local Man-To-Man Prostate Cancer Support Group. Check out The American Cancer Society for a group near you. Headscratcher

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