Friday, May 28, 2010

What is the timeline for terminal prostate cancer

What is the timeline for terminal prostate cancer?
My boyfriend has it and i am in the dark, he wont share to many details. How long does he have to live on average?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Carcinoma of the prostate is predominantly a tumor of older men, which frequently responds to treatment when widespread and may be cured when localized. The rate of tumor growth varies from very slow to moderately rapid, and some patients may have prolonged survival even after the cancer has metastasized to distant sites such as bone. Because the median age at diagnosis is 72 years, many patients—especially those with localized tumors—may die of other illnesses without ever having suffered significant disability from the cancer. The approach to treatment is influenced by age and coexisting medical problems. Side effects of various forms of treatment should be considered in selecting appropriate management. Controversy exists in regard to the value of screening, the most appropriate staging evaluation, and the optimal treatment of each stage of the disease Patients with locally advanced cancer are not usually curable, and a substantial fraction will eventually die of the tumor, though median survival may be as long as 5 years. If prostate cancer has spread to distant organs, current therapy will not cure it. Median survival is usually 1 to 3 years, and most such patients will die of prostate cancer. Even in this group of patients, however, indolent clinical courses lasting for many years may be observed.
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3 :
My Dad had it and was at stage 3, they did radical surgery and removed the inside of his testicles to slow it down and just left the pouch. The doctor gave him 3 months but he lived 4 months. My Dad saw the year 2000 come in, turns 80 , and died Jan. 31. all the same month. I wish you the best and God Bless You.
4 :
There is no average because everyone is an individual. There is no real way of predicting how long someone has to live, even doctors do not really know. One of the reasons predictions are not given is because some people will rally and live far longer than expected or others will pass suddenly. There is no way of truly knowing as dying seems to be as individual as everything else true about human beings. Suggest that you focus on each day and try not to worry too much about what might happen. Don't look beyond the moment. In the meantime you can read more about prostate cancer to get an idea what is going on with your boyfriend. National Cancer Institute: Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer Foundation ACOR: The Prostate Problems Mailing List Best to you.

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