Monday, December 20, 2010

What are all the signs of prostate cancer

what are all the signs of prostate cancer?
thanks for the answers. would this be a sign?if my semen had a slight reddish color to it?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Constant feeling of needing to urinate.
2 :
No that is not a symptom and by the time you have symptoms it means it is advanced. If you are over 40 you should have had a baseline exam and you should be following your doctors recommendations on how often you should follow up and not wait until you have symptoms.
3 :
Most problems are related to urination and prostate pain, which aggravate with time. Slight reddish color in your semen (if your age 40 and above) may be related to any cancer; but you must indicate if it is reddish or cherry-like color and you have any of the problems. In most cases, your problems might be related to any accident occurred or infection. There are lots of things to ask and clarify before answering exactly.
4 :
I am a prostate cancer survivor and I had no symptoms, frequent urination, small stream, pain, etc. are some. The only reason they found anything out was because I needed a blood test for something else totally unrelated which turned out to show my PSA level was high. I had a physical exam and they couldn't find anything so I ended up getting a biopsy which showed I had cancer. As far as the reddish color that could be it could be due to blood in the kidney or injury to your testicle. Go to your doctor with this information. So what else needs to be done is get yourself a blood test and have your PSA level checked, this will give you a baseline for the future. Once you have a baseline you can then determine what to do in the future. I hope this helps and wish you all the best. Good luck

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