How does having prostate cancer affect a man's ability to have children?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
The treatment can have a detrimental affect on the sperm. However they do usually ask the man if he would like to store his sperm before treatment.

Prostate cancer usually doesnt effect men before the age of about 50. The majority of men are done having children by that age (unless their name is Clint Eastwood, I guess). So, the point is sort of moot - it's like asking what effect a hysterectomy will have on a post-menopausal woman... she's no longer fertile before the operation, so removing the uterus and ovaries won't have any effect on fertility.
3 :
It's not so much the prostate cancer as the treatments that affects that ability.
4 :
The surgeon can remove a cancerous prostate without removing the vessels that allow young men the ability to father children. Thats wonderful progress in surgery.
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