Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why are a lot more people aware of breast cancer than prostate cancer

Why are a lot more people aware of breast cancer than prostate cancer?
I don't understand why a lot of people consider breast cancer of higher importance than prostate cancer. A lot of scientific research done is spent on breast cancer, girls are being immunised in high schools in the uk to protect them from cancer, whereas boys get nothing. Why? Source of information:
Gender Studies - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's the 'it' disease right now. That sounds terrible, but it is true. Breast cancer is a horrible thing, there is no question about it. But so are many other cancers. My mother had non-Hodgkins lymphoma twice, and both were absolutely brutal. Yet lymphoma does not have anywhere near the amount of publicity breast cancer does. Another example is AIDS. Again, there is absolutely no question that it is terrible and incredibly difficult disease. But then, so is spina bifida. So is cystic fibrosis. So is sickle-cell anemia. Depending on the social and political changes of a particular period in history, the diseases that get enormous publicity change.
2 :
Unofficially, men are supposed to be tough and don't need awareness of diseases. Traditionally, women's health is a priority topic over men's. How does one increase the awareness of prostrate cancer? I have no ideal on that.
3 :
cancer is cancer. I hope you are never diagnosed with any.
4 :
Well, that is b/c pretty much all heterosexuals and lesbians like boobs. Prostates, not so much. Boys are free to get the HPV vaccine if they would like. Although I am not sure how effective it would be for them. Here's a question for ya: Why is it that Viagra and similar drugs for men have been developed over curing other more pressing diseases? ED is certainly not "life threatening"!
5 :
Women tend to talk about their health, and men don't, as a very general rule. Thus, I know that my best friend is a five year breast cancer survivor. However, I didn't know about a method that's used to check men for hernias, because men tend to avoid talking about it. When I read about it on a message board, I asked my husband about it, and he looked kind of embarrassed, but finally admitted that yes, he's had that method done to him, and he doesn't like to talk about it. For breast cancer, a big, big reason is because one woman made a promise to her dying sister. She did a lot of awareness promotion. Breast cancer is the second biggest disease that women die from...and men can get it too. Prostate cancer does need more awareness. Many men are quite scared of it, and refuse to have simple tests done. They are hurting themselves by trying to ignore it. I try to do my part by reminding my husband and the other men who are close to me that they need to get tested, but they are resistant to my reminders. I try not to nag. Also, 180 is quite a small sample size for a study. I'd want to see a lot more studies, of a lot more men, before I took that information to heart. There are a lot of preliminary studies that come out each year that say one thing, but further studies show that the first study was wrong.
6 :
Breast cancer tends to show up at a younger age (woman in their 20s) than prostate cancer that usuallyy occurs for man over the age of 50. That would explain why teenage girls are warned about it. As men are warned about prostate around their late 30s by their doctor. Prostate can be avoided by regular sex or masturbation to evacuate the excess semen.
7 :
Because men are expendable in today's society and women's lives are considered far more precious. That's a fact. You may not like it but that's the way it is in every facet of society.
8 :
It starts off that because of breast cancer removing the cancer means of visible amputation. Where prostate cancer when removed properly is unnoticeable to the human eye. A lot of women are all OMG i care to much about my look ahhhhhhh! I cant have a plastic boob!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the men of the world who are pigs are all OH NO THAT MEANS THERE'S LESS WOMEN WITH NATURALLY LARGE BOOBS! I think its stupid and that's why I avoid all of it and promote Pancreatic cancer.
9 :
I am very aware of prostate cancer, and know a lot of men who have had it. I also HAVE Breast Cancer, and so did my Father, 13 years ago. There is not one Cancer that I can't associate with

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