Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does having a UTI (urinary tract infection) increase risk of prostate cancer

Does having a UTI (urinary tract infection) increase risk of prostate cancer?
Does it increase risk of prostate cancer, ever? Also, please describe what the doctor does when you go in because of a UTI (describe the process)?
And, how do you know if a UTI has spread to the kidneys? What are the symptoms of that?
Men's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First - I'm not a doctor and I have feeling you should go see one if you haven't already. (sounds like you did and your are just nervous.) Second - Urinary Tract Infection is a term that can mean any number of things. Bacterial infection, kidney issues, sexually transmitted infections, etc. So treatment will really depend upon what's going on. The good news is that bacteria is a common thing and it might turn out that all you need are some anti-biotics. You might have kidney issues if you pee blood. Once again: good news - these things are treatable with medicine! Third - There are a million different cancer studies going on. The jury is still out on what does and what does not cause cancer. Prostate cancer is very treatable when it is caught early. Trust your doctor. And if you don't, go to another one that you do.
2 :
No sexual reproductive system is not part of the urinary system other than they share an exit. I never went to a doctor for a UTI I just drank cranberry juice and it cleared it right up there are over the counter medications to clear it up too. You know it has started to spread to the kidneys because your lower back hurts like hell if they spread enough you might need new kidneys

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