Sunday, June 20, 2010

I am being treated for ET & Prostate Cancer how do the two relate to ea other

I am being treated for ET & Prostate Cancer how do the two relate to ea other?
I've had Radiation for the Prostate and now am on Hormone treatment. So far so good. As to my ET (Esential Thrombocytosis) I've had that for afew years and so far my hematologist has got it under control. My meds are remaining constant one Hydroxurea tab/day along with heart pill etc. I've also had astroke caused by ET.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
There is not a direct link between the prostate cancer and ET. E.T. is essential thrombo-cytosis. ET can be caused by a major inflammatory process such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, or early forms of leukemia. If it was determined to be caused by prostate cancer it would be considered "reactive thrombo-cytosis RT" You state that you have had ET first then treatment for prostate cancer later. It would be a possibility to cause thrombo-cytosis from the radiation or chemo due to bone marrow damage but not the other way around . Your physician is spot on to have you on Hydroxyurea to reduce platelet counts to prevent clots. For right now, that about all that needs to be done along with possibly baby aspirin. As long as the hydroxyurea is doing the job and blood tests show things are under control, enjoy your life. If every man is lucky to live long enough, they will all eventually get prostate cancer.... some at age 40 others at age 110 but would still eventually happen. Life is a race between different ailments to which one eventually causes life to end. Our job is to do the best with the time given to each of us to use it well before the race is over.
2 :
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States. Of all the men who are diagnosed with cancer each year, more than one-fourth have prostate cancer. Essential thrombocytosis -- same as essential thrombocythemia: A rare blood disorder where the blood contains too many platelets due to excessive megakaryocytes (platelet-producing cells). Platelets are essential for blood clotting but in essential thrombocythemia excessive platelets can cause the blood to form abnormal clots. If the platelets are defective as well then bleeding problems can occur. The severity of the condition is variable. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Essential thrombocytosis -- same as essential thrombocythemia is available below.
3 :
not sure about that answer but seems to me they may be related or should i say maybe metastasized from ET maybe. Any way i will keep you in my prayers and hope that things will work out for the best in your case. i have metastasized breast cancer to the bones now and in my 4th stage. remember one thing never give up or you have lost the battle. take care and may God bless you.

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