Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer

Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer?
Hi yahoo answers Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Troll for Flomax
2 :
The prostate cancer is the one which is quite dangerous...The best thing is to avoid it....Prostate cancer if detected early could be helpful in getting a successful cure. In advanced cases it will be difficult to cure. So it is better if people above 50 years of age are aware of the symptoms and have regular check up...
3 :
It would be great to avoid any cancer, but there is no way to do that. Catching prostate cancer early helps with overall survival, but has little to do with cure and many men choose not to treat it when caught early. Your question is far too vague to answer. What is a good suggestion for one man may not be for another. There are a lot of things to consider and you are not providing any information. You need to discuss this with your urologist, which they usually do once they find out you have prostate cancer.

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