Monday, June 28, 2010

My father in-law has prostate cancer, I want to write a letter to the embassy asking for a visa to come to USA

My father in-law has prostate cancer, I want to write a letter to the embassy asking for a visa to come to USA?
Since last year my father in-law has prostate cancer, he needs a second opinion. I want to write a letter to the embassy asking for a visa to come to the U.S.A for a second opinion. Can you help me to write this letter????Or any sample letters that you can help me to find it Thanks a lot!! Regards, Orlene
Embassies & Consulates - 6 Answers
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1 :
A second opinion about what? If he has cancer he should start getting treated for it.
2 :
No. Wherever you are there is more than one doctor. Stay where you are.
3 :
To The State Department: My father has a form of cancer that is highly treatable, prostate cancer. However, as a citizen of <some awful place>, he is unable to receive the appropriate care and treatment for this potentially life threatening condition. I am asking you to grant <this man> a temporary visa to enter the United States of America to receive cancer treatment possibly including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. I believe that his condition poses a great threat to his well being and could ultimately cause death. Thank you for your consideration, Orlene
4 :
You will have to provide an estimate of the cost of treatment by a US hospital ... evidence that you can pay this amount ..and a report from the home hospital noting his need to get advanced treatment
5 :
Try wish123 excellent resource. I post a question on the website wish123 for my health problems and received an excellent answer from a doctor.
6 :
A letter is easy to write. Can you show proof that you have enough financial resources (ITR, bank statements) to shoulder any or all treatment that may be done for your father in the US? Have you shown the medical records of your father to any US doctor. Has this doctor signified (in writing to show consul) that he/she can do something that could not be done in your father's country? Does your father have any means of financial support for this trip. Cancer is a dreadful disease. I am sorry for your father. I hope they can help him out soon.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

What happens when you get prostate cancer

What happens when you get prostate cancer?
What are the symptoms? And how is it treated?
Cancer - 7 Answers
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1 :
symptoms are hard to pinpoint, most common symptom is frequent urination, unsteady stream, and just aren't able to finish when you go. sometimes painful, even blood in urine. most of the time it's detected by doing a prostate exam or a blood test for prostate specific antigen. prostate cancer is a relatively slow progressing cancer, sometimes taking up to 5-10 years (depending on the specific kind of prostate cancer) before it starts to move to other parts of the body. Many men get this in their 60's and 70's, so they choose to not treat it at all. Many of those people take prostate cancer to the grave (they die of something else, probably Cardiovascular problems) for treatment, they can remove the part of the prostate that has the cancer or simply take out the whole prostate. They can also give you hormone therapy to slow the progression of the cancer. cancer treatments don't always succeed, so like i said ealier, the risk from surgery might be greater then the actual immediate risk from the cancer, so many men choose to not have treatment done.
2 :
first you'd get like a prostate mass which results to painful urination, blood tinged urine and also sometimes painful defecation(pooping). if it develops to cancer then it gets a lot worse..cancer kills your body. it spreads and takes over normal cell and tissue.prostate cancer could metastasize(spread) to the colon, urinary tract, and even other parts of the body. men should be checked at least once a year at the age of 45 and above--cant remember..
3 :
My Dad got it about 18 months ago and has since Died. But, that's because he was stubborn and stupid and refused to take any action at all to try and fight it. He turned down all medical treatment because he was embarrassed and ashamed to show his private area to medical personnel for treatment. He was told that he had an extremely good chance of survival if he would allow them to remove a section of his prostate. But he let his so called pride take him to the grave. As far as the symptoms, I'm sorry i don't know what they are as every time I tried to talk to my Dad about it he wouldn't. My point is, this question should be posed to a medical professional as this is a very serious condition that is life threatening and don't let embarrassment stop you. Do what you have to do and then go on with the rest of your life. Good Luck, Sincerely James N
4 :
Very often there are no symptoms - luckily there are far better testing options (PSA in blood) and treatment has come a long way. Good luck.
5 :
Generally men feel the need to urinate more, may have some sexual problems, etc. Most don't know unless they get an exam and the doctor finds enlargement, then they get an ultrasound and biopsy to make sure. Generally treatment includes removing the prostate surgically, including any lymph nodes around it that may look suspicious, then they implant radiation seeds into the area to treat it with radiation. My dad had it done last year. He is doing pretty well now, although he still has some incontinence problems. I was surprised that they went through his stomach to get the prostate, not through the area between his scrotum and anus, since that's where it is - I guess the healing in that area is not very quick.
6 :
There's some general information on cancer and cancer treatments that you might find useful at
7 :
With my prostate cancer, there were no symptoms. The cancer was discovered by a PSA blood test. They did a biopsy and the report came came back positive. I am lucky I had a good urologist, and when he removed my prostate and seminal vessels, he got all of my cancer. I have been cancer free for four years now.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

I am being treated for ET & Prostate Cancer how do the two relate to ea other

I am being treated for ET & Prostate Cancer how do the two relate to ea other?
I've had Radiation for the Prostate and now am on Hormone treatment. So far so good. As to my ET (Esential Thrombocytosis) I've had that for afew years and so far my hematologist has got it under control. My meds are remaining constant one Hydroxurea tab/day along with heart pill etc. I've also had astroke caused by ET.
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
There is not a direct link between the prostate cancer and ET. E.T. is essential thrombo-cytosis. ET can be caused by a major inflammatory process such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, or early forms of leukemia. If it was determined to be caused by prostate cancer it would be considered "reactive thrombo-cytosis RT" You state that you have had ET first then treatment for prostate cancer later. It would be a possibility to cause thrombo-cytosis from the radiation or chemo due to bone marrow damage but not the other way around . Your physician is spot on to have you on Hydroxyurea to reduce platelet counts to prevent clots. For right now, that about all that needs to be done along with possibly baby aspirin. As long as the hydroxyurea is doing the job and blood tests show things are under control, enjoy your life. If every man is lucky to live long enough, they will all eventually get prostate cancer.... some at age 40 others at age 110 but would still eventually happen. Life is a race between different ailments to which one eventually causes life to end. Our job is to do the best with the time given to each of us to use it well before the race is over.
2 :
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States. Of all the men who are diagnosed with cancer each year, more than one-fourth have prostate cancer. Essential thrombocytosis -- same as essential thrombocythemia: A rare blood disorder where the blood contains too many platelets due to excessive megakaryocytes (platelet-producing cells). Platelets are essential for blood clotting but in essential thrombocythemia excessive platelets can cause the blood to form abnormal clots. If the platelets are defective as well then bleeding problems can occur. The severity of the condition is variable. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Essential thrombocytosis -- same as essential thrombocythemia is available below.
3 :
not sure about that answer but seems to me they may be related or should i say maybe metastasized from ET maybe. Any way i will keep you in my prayers and hope that things will work out for the best in your case. i have metastasized breast cancer to the bones now and in my 4th stage. remember one thing never give up or you have lost the battle. take care and may God bless you.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cystitis and proctitis with prostate cancer

Cystitis and proctitis with prostate cancer?
Is it common for prostate cancer patients to develop both cystitis and proctitis after surgery or do they usually just have one or the other?
Cancer - 1 Answers
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1 :
It would be helpful to know what kind of surgery you are referring to. You should have been given discharge instructions before you left the hospital that usually spells everything out for you or you can call your doctor if you are having problems.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer

Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer?
Hi yahoo answers Tell me the good suggestions about the prostate cancer
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
Troll for Flomax
2 :
The prostate cancer is the one which is quite dangerous...The best thing is to avoid it....Prostate cancer if detected early could be helpful in getting a successful cure. In advanced cases it will be difficult to cure. So it is better if people above 50 years of age are aware of the symptoms and have regular check up...
3 :
It would be great to avoid any cancer, but there is no way to do that. Catching prostate cancer early helps with overall survival, but has little to do with cure and many men choose not to treat it when caught early. Your question is far too vague to answer. What is a good suggestion for one man may not be for another. There are a lot of things to consider and you are not providing any information. You need to discuss this with your urologist, which they usually do once they find out you have prostate cancer.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What will Pat Robertson give as God's reason that PM Olmert of Israel got prostate cancer

What will Pat Robertson give as God's reason that PM Olmert of Israel got prostate cancer?
Since Robertson lets us know that God told him Ariel Sharon was being punished for the concessions over the occupied territories and that was why he had a stroke he must know why Olmert got prostate cancer right?
Politics - 4 Answers
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1 :
" Allah is kicking white God's as..s
2 :
No. What silliness is this?
3 :
Its common when you sit on top of that many nuclear missiles to contract prostate cancer .
4 :
Gay people have rights in Israel unlike in America.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

if masturbation is against the bible how com people get prostate cancer if they dont have sex or masturbate?
reason i am asking is because i am christian and am bout to be 14 and i wanted to well u know but anyways, i don't want to go against him or get cancer cause i don't plan on getting married in the next 20 years what should i do? oh and i would rather have a christian answer this for me. not to be rude please and thank you!
Men's Health - 16 Answers
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1 :
maybe because the bible is buls*it:)
2 :
masturbation is natural is just life u wont go to hell if u play with ur self:)
3 :
The bible was 2000 years ago times have change and to you know is perfectly healthy you wont get cancer and if they say god forgives it won't matter 99 percent of men do it so even your dad did it but people don't tell their kids they you know so they seem more of an adult so don't worry.
4 :
Because masturbation and sexual intercourse have nothing to do with someone getting cancer, the only definite way to totally avoid prostate cancer is to not have a prostate
5 :
It looks to me like you're using some pretty far fetched ideas to get a green light to start wanking. Imagine yourself on judgement day. Trying to explain how you read this study once where it said beating it prevents cancer, so you asked on Yahoo Answers and someone told you to go ahead. You think that's gonna stand up in court, son? You think St. Peter isn't going to see through your flimsy excuses? Shame on you!
6 :
the bible actually never says anything about masturbation, so i'm not really sure where this idea is coming from. the word masturbation is never actually in the bible, the bible simply states that we shouldn't be "sexually impure" which would be stuff like homosexuality and lusting after everyone you see. stuff like that, but I'm a christian and personally I believe God is ok with it. He never mentions it and like you said, it doesn't have any negative health risks like other things like homosexuality and promiscuity. In fact, it's healthy and reduces the risks of some diseases and health problems. So I say it's fine, I don't see how it would hurt God.
7 :
i dont think thats the cause of prostate cancer or any health defects, where do you get this information from? what is wrong with you? go outside
8 :
cause the bible is made up bullsheeet. i'm a christian btw.
9 :
Who told you masturbation was against the bible? There is nothing in the bible about masturbation. The next time someone tells you such nonsense, ask them to point out exactly which book (chapter and verse) from the bible mentions this. They will not be able to because masturbation is never even mentioned in the bible.
10 :
Bible did not know about the prostrate and all other glands which go to make semen. It only guessed that some sort of white fluid which the bible called seed comes out of the penis and it did not know that in one go 20 to 40 million seeds come out in each ejaculation. So keep working on your body including penis whenever you may get married. Even after marriage for the health of your prostrate,masturbate if your partner is not available.
11 :
I'm not so certain that there is a strong link between masturbation avoidance and cancer. Anyway, what you need to understand is that just about every mature boy and man in the world masturbates, even if they claim they don't, or say it's wrong. I imagine even your father does it, your priest, your teachers, and who knows, even the Pope himself. We all do it, it does no harm, it hurts no-one, so how about being a grown-up and deciding for yourself what's right and wrong, not what an ancient book tells you? Good luck, and enjoy jerking.
12 :
Masturbating against a bible won't give you cancer. I"ve masturbated against all kinds of objects and never got cancer and it feels pretty good. Never tried a bible but I will when i get home and let you know how it felt.
13 :
masturbation is not the only thing that prevents prostate cancer. it is actually the least affecting part of prostate cancer prevention. so this argument is null and void because masturbation is not a great deterrent of prostate cancer.
14 :
The bible is wrong especially when it comes to human sexuality and that includes masturbation, the sooner you learn to accept that the better it will be for you and your prostate & your overall health. Masturbating at least 4 times a week decreases your chances of developing prostate cancer, it decreases your stress, & it decreases your chances of ending up infertile in the future ( infertile means that your semen/sperm won't be healthy enough to get a woman pregnant no matter how many time you try to get pregnant ), and all the facts that I just mentioned to you about the health benefits that comes with masturbation are all the conclusive results of years worth of real scientific research about the male reproductive system. If people would've known all of this information about the health benefits of masturbation over 2,000 years ago back when the bible was written, then the bible most likely wouldn't have anything that says that masturbation is wrong, because as it turns out masturbation is not wrong it's actually really healthy for you.
15 :
its not against the Bible to masterbate, its against the Bible to cheat on ur boy/girl friend or husband or wife...
16 :
prostate cancer has no relation with sex
17 :
The bible is just a selection of scriptures that the church thought should be published and those scriptures themselves were written by church scholars many many years after the time of Jesus. They will say that it's inspired by God and hence the word of God but your average horror novel is also inspired by God. The bible is no more or less the word of God then a good Stephen King novel, just less pertinent to our times and more censored over the ages. If you expect all the answers to be found in the bible then you will be disappointed. If you take the bible literally then you are a fool. You have to interpret the bible and everything in this world with what you know in your heart what God is about. The word of God is all of creation, the bible is just something the church slapped together.
18 :
Masturbation is natural, healthy and pleasant. Daily ejaculation is good for prostate health. These are facts dear. The Bible is a selection of bronze age middle eastern goat herders fairy tales. The Bible does not say anything about masturbation. Why would you want to have your life influenced by bronze age fairy tale is a total mystery to me...
19 :
Masturbation is not a sin. It is not violent, hateful, damaging, or disrespectful (to you or anyone else). Masturbation is perfectly natural. Masturbating does not make you unpure or sully your virtue. It is a safe way to love yourself, learn about your own body, and relieve stress. How can God hate that? God punishes killers, rapists, pedophiles, crooks, and cruel dictators. God will not hate a good upstanding young man who, occasionally, likes to feel good and relax in privacy

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is prostate cancer not a big deal these days if caught early on

Is prostate cancer not a big deal these days if caught early on?
Is it like breast cancer where as long as it's detected early and as long as it's removed there's no concern really??
Men's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
Its a very big deal because the prostate has to be removed and that can cause problems like incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
2 :
If caught really really early it responds to treatment very well. Depending on the stage and if it has metastasized to any other places is how treatment is determined. There are 3 primary treatments (and other also) which are: 1. Hormone therapy if the tumor is hormone sensitive 2. Radiation Seed Implants. They put 20-40 very small radioactive beads all around the prostate and allow the radiation to kill the cancer cells. 3. The most radical is a Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy. And yes this can cause incontinence & impotence. The best is to have your doctor check you at regular intervals.
3 :
That's correct. I still wouldn't call it "not a big deal" because you would still need to get checked repeatedly to see if the cancer returns... and we're talking about something with the potential to kill you if it does return. But yeah, most likely if it's caught early it'll just be removed, it won't be a life changing event, and you'll be fine.

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