It will be a good day for America when this criminal dies a slow and painful death from prostate cancer.
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You're cool

wow thats just crossing the line from ideological debate into just pure evil
3 :
The death of any human life could never make for a "good day" The day we take joy in the death of someone because of our objections to their actions or beliefs is the day we fail as a society.
4 :
Wow, I can understand wanting Byrd to drop dead but this is just wrong.
5 : YOU. I mean really though...the only people who die those slow & painful deaths are the ones that wish them on someone else. FYI - Be careful what you wish for.
6 :
I wouldn't wish death on anyone.
7 :
He has the best healthcare available to him. Unlike the one he wants to give to us. We'll die before him.
8 :
You're really cruel. Can't you just wait one more year until he is out of office?
9 :
Great question to ask. He is a spawn of satan. Merry Christmas.
10 :
I hear you. This guy is the biggest criminal in the Senate.... and that's really saying something. Get out of office or die, I don't care which as long as he's not in politics anymore.
11 :
Interesting that some can get away with comments like this.
12 :
You are a troll!!! This is the kind of thing liberals said about Reagan. This is not the kind of thing conservatives would say.
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