Tuesday, March 16, 2010

links between a vasectomy and prostate cancer

links between a vasectomy and prostate cancer?
does having a vasectomy possibly affect the development of prostate cancer? any websites/data would be helpful :)
Cancer - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
none at all they have prove it doesn't.
2 :
The two are not connected. When doing a vasectomy they are nowhere near the prostate and if a man ejaculates sperm or not does not effect the prostate one way or another.
3 :
Many churches start said rumors as vasectomies are deemed immoral, so they will do anything to scare men away from them. About half the men in the USA get a vasectomy in their 40's. Most men with prostate cancer are 50+. It stands to reason that some overlap may occur. But this has nothing to do with the surgery. Some other people tried to claim that vasectomies lead to hair loss. Again half of men in the USA, over 40 have vasectomies. Most men over 40 also have hair loss. Again, there is no connection. Age skews the results.

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