Is it also possible that it can occur in children and teens too? What are ways to prevent prostate cancer from occuring? Is there also a cure for this cancer?
Men's Health - 13 Answers

1 :
Masturbating actually decreases your risk of prostate cancer.
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masturbating decreases risk of prostate cancer.
3 :
no. Masturbating can help DECREASE your risk of prostate cancer.
4 :
it decreases so like go beat some meat
5 :
no it cant, masturbating is actually good for you, and some studies show that it DECREASES your risk of cancer.
6 :
What? Of course not. Cancer is a disease that can be passed on GENETICALLY. I'm pretty sure masturbating does nothing to increase risk of prostate cancer. Actually, it's been shown that masturbating relaxes people and rids them of sexual tension (which can distract them in school, at work, etc) But to prevent any type of cancer from occurring, try to lead a healthier lifestyle in general. Don't take the huge burger with fries - settle for a salad Drink plenty of water. This will help clean your body on the inside. Don't drink unless you're obligated to (like at weddings). A little once in awhile is fine. Exercising daily
7 :
Nothing that you do can increase your odds of getting Prostate Cancer. It would be the same as having a lot of sex. that doesn't affect your prostate. When you reach the age of 30 it is a good idea to have your doctor check you each time you have a phsycial or if you don't have a yearly physical ask him to do it while you are in his office. The first sign is usually that your prostate becomes enlarged when this happens you will know it as you will start urinating much more than usual. Then you do want to go specifically for a check. It is extemely, most extremely unusual for a child or a teen to get Prostate Cancer. So don't worry anymore!
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9 :
no. Masturbating can help DECREASE your risk of prostate cancer.
10 :
actually no it decreases the changes
11 :
it prevents it
12 :
actually it reduces it
13 :
The latest research tells us that masturbaing reduces the rist of prostate cancer. There is some evidence that prostate massage and prostate milking can reduce prostate cancer. This practice is more common in asian countries and they have a lot less prostate cancer than compared to the west. If you want some tips on how to do prostate milking see the link below.
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