This is just out of health & science curiosity. As there is prostate cancer, Is there a chance of getting a prostate cancer when your pleasing your prostate inside your anus while using a prostate massager toy (that includes lube) Serious answers only please.

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My advice is to not fool around with your prostate gland, leave that up to your doctor. When you get older you will most likely have enough problems with the prostate, as the Ads say; 4 out of 5 will have prostate issues. One out of five will have prostate cancer but if you live to be 70 you'll have a 70 % chance of getting it ~ age sixty - 60 % chance, etc. Medical science still hasn't discovered what causes prostate cancer but they know it's primarily an age related disease. Don't mess with it!
2 :
Not possible. If this was the case there would be an epidemic of clitoral cancer. Vibration actually increases blood flow. When there is increased blood flow, you actually heal faster thanks to the improved circulation. Just be gentle, use lube and be sure your toy is cleaned BEFORE and AFTER each use! Enjoy!
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