Saturday, August 4, 2012

Does sex increase high chance of prostate cancer

Does sex increase high chance of prostate cancer?
there is hereditary, so what's are the other causes?
Cancer - 8 Answers
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1 :
perhaps, no
2 :
not at all sex is heathy , other causes may be genetic or constant pressure on ur crotch (eg. tight underwear)
3 :
No there is no scientific evidence. Healthy sex is good for health. As for causes of prostate cancer-----The risk (predisposing) factors for prostate cancer include advancing age, genetics (heredity), hormonal influences, and such environmental factors as toxins, chemicals, and industrial products. The chances of developing prostate cancer increase with age. Thus, prostate cancer under age 40 is extremely rare, while it is common in men older than 80 years of age. As a matter of fact, some studies have suggested that among men over 80, between 50 and 80% of them may have prostate cancer! Genetics (heredity), as you mentioned, plays a role in the risk of developing a prostate cancer. Environment, diet, and other unknown factors, however, can modify such genetic predispositions. For example, prostate cancer is uncommon in Japanese men living in their native Japan. However, when these men move to the United States, their incidence of prostate cancer rises significantly. Prostate cancer is also more common among family members of individuals with prostate cancer. Thus, a person whose father, grandfather, or even uncle has prostate cancer is at an increased risk for also developing prostate cancer.
4 :
<<<<<<<<<<Does sex increase high chance of prostate cancer?>>>>>>>>>> N.....O Other causes are not known.
5 :
Regular ejaculation DECREASES the chance of developing prostate cancer, according to most respectable does increasing the amount of lycopene in your diet (eat tomatoes/tomato-sauced products)...
6 :
No, more frequent ejaculation decreases prostate cancer risk. Perhaps a cause of it would be a mutation in the RNA expression of a man's 5-alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
7 :
no. The chance of prostate cancer develop as you get older. especially men over 40. as you get older especially over 40, your prostate gland start to enlarge. enlargement of the prostate gland is natural but cell production while growth will increase chance of malignancy cell to be form. the malignant cell is called prostate cancer. so if you are a Man over 40, i suggest you to get prostate exams at least 3 years.
8 :
No, but believing the PSA test, and then having invasive biopsies will do more harm than good. Today's ( Saturday) Sydney Morning Herald has a front page story which throws doubt on the whole prostate cancer story. Be careful about having prostate surgery, many don't need it, many have regretted having it. All the best, Nvrgvup

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