I know its serious either way but people always talk about trying to find a cure for breast cancer but isnt prostate cancer more common among men than breast cancer among women? so why dont people ever talk about prostate cancer? Is this a little sexist somehow? Im confused

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
its not sexist, it has to do with how easy it is to cure the cancer. i am the yougest person in history to fight breast cancer so i know. prostate is much much easier to cure, and is usually found earlier than breast cancer. breast cancer is not as easy to cure
2 :
B/C Save the T*TTYS! sounds a lot better then Save the A** holes! Estimated new cases and deaths from prostate cancer in the United States in 2008: New cases: 186,320 Deaths: 28,660 Estimated new cases and deaths from breast cancer in the United States in 2008: New cases: 182,460 (female); 1,990 (male) Deaths: 40,480 (female); 450 (male)
3 :
No, prostrate cancer kills the same amount of people each year as breast cancer. Society today just favors women more.
4 :
Breast cancer is far more deadly.
5 :
Because its hard to shut a woman up. Men dont want to talk about it apparently. So thats their prerogative. Women, on the other hand, are not shy about this and want every other person to learn from what has happend to others.
6 :
"The two diseases kill similar numbers... A man diagnosed with prostate cancer has only one-quarter of the cash spent on research into his disease compared to the amount devoted to a woman̢۪s breast cancer. The wide discrepancy shows the scale of the discrimination against men" http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article579050.ece In the US prostate cancer research gets a little over half of the money allocated to breast cancer http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/NCI/research-funding
7 :
another sexist policy by feminazis.
8 :
Every damn week one you ask this and the answer does not change: Men die WITH prostate cancer not FROM it. The five year survival rate is 99%. Men are usually older when diagnosed. One form of prostate cancer strikes younger men and it is virulent- it receives most of the federal research dollars. Men and women die of breast cancer. The five year survival rate is 89% after much research. Yes more money is funneled into research mostly private $$. Women did the work to make it so. If men want more private $$ into prostate research they can do the work. No one is stopping you.
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