Friday, December 24, 2010

What is the best treatment for prostate cancer

what is the best treatment for prostate cancer?
anyone out there that has or has had prostate cancer that could answer this question
Cancer - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The best treatment for any cancer is the one your oncologist tailors for you. They look at your overall health. They consider the size, location and other details of the tumor. Then they discuss the options best suited to you. After a course of treatment test are run again to see if you are responding to the prescribed treatment. Not everyone responds the same way to any given drug or treatment. Always ask tons of questions. It also helps if someone goes to doctor appointments with you. They too can ask questions, take notes, and help you remember what the doctor said. You have my very best wishes for a complete cure.
2 :
My father died of metastatic prostate cancer in 2008. He was diagnosed in 2000 and in HIS case, because the cancer had already spread, the best treatment for him was hormone therapy using two drugs - Casodex and Lupron Depot. My best friend's dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer around the same time. In his case, his prostate was removed and he received radiation therapy. He made a full recovery and is doing well to this day. As this illustrates, it just depends on when diagnosis is made, how advanced it is, etc.

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