I am interested in hearing from individuals who have used Robotic Surgery for prostate cancer removal. I would like to know your age at time of surgery and the lenght of time E.D. was present. Has anyone returned to normal or can say they have had a full recovery? Thank you for your time!

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hello..My father undergone such procedure( I mean surgical cancer removal of the prostate gland).He is 69 year old and now he's feeling not as before,but ay least better.The doctors are saying that can be expected a full recovery even at his age..Hope that was at least a little helpful regarding your question. Best of luck! God bless!
2 :
I'm not a health care professional but I've tried Una de Gato. It puts saw palmetto to shame in my opinion I say that simply because saw palmetto is often compared to the efficacy of pharmaceutical prostate products which I've read are marginal at best. I have not had any experience with saw palmetto, but I have taken cat's claw (Una de Gato) for arthritis. When I was taking cat's claw my urine flow went from little to a lot with in the six month period I was using it. I had no idea that I had any problem in that area. Cat's Claw Is mostly reputed most often as being helpful for prostate and breast cancer. It is among other things helpful for recovery from chemotherapy and for preventing the re-occurrence of cancer. The bark of a vine that grows in the Peruvian jungle. I took two sticks about 5 in. long, 1 in. wide, and 1/8-3/16 in. thick, put them into a 2 qt. sauce pan full of water (1/2 in from brim) on med. high heat bring to a rapid boil for 1 min.Turn off the heat and put on the lid, tilted at first, leave the sticks in until it is completely cooled. If you want it sweetened use only honey, organic if possible. Do not put refined sugar in it! Cat's claw will taste like tea or coffee depending on how strong you make it. If you need it to be more potent, once cooled, take the sticks out, and simmer to evaporate water as in a decoction process.Caution: not safe for women who are pregnant or lactating.
3 :
Get your prostatectomy surgery in INdia.Prostatectomy is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for international patients as all surgery is not covered by insurance in USA or by the stinking NHS in UK They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star . My cousin got his prostatectomy surgery in Indiais more than very happy with the results.He is all praise for this forerunners healthcare company for the services they provided him.He paid just 30% of the cost what she was quoted in USA and it was like a wonderful vacation for him.Excellent stay,food, best surgeons-she just couldnt stop talking.hope this helps. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com
4 :
I mentor guys with prostate cancer. I had it four years ago at 51 years old and had a radical prostectomy. Two weeks later my surgeon became one of the only ones doing robotic removals. I have talked to him at length about the benefits. He said, because of the new accuracy he will never go back to the old surgery method. However, he made it clear, that he and most others have a hard time getting the hang of the robotic procedure, and usually need re-training. So, don't be one of your doctor's first patients. I have talked to several guys who were very happy with their robotic procedures. Their recovery time is about 3-4 weeks instead of 6-8 weeks. But, no matter what any doctor tells you E.D. is going to be your biggest issue afterward. Only about 25% of patients fully recover. I'm at about 90%, and all the viagra in the world isn't going to help me (done them all, hate them all). Incontinence shouldn't evern be a concern if you have a top notch surgeon at a major center doing the work. I was at UC Irvine medical center. My doctor's name was Alhering. The trauma of surgery, robotic or not ,will take its toll. I also had my limph nodes removed, so there was additional trauma. But, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm in good shape - for the moment.
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