I know it varies depending on the patient, but I was wondering it since a person I really care about is going to take just under 40 sessions. He just got a successful radical prostatectomy and no spreading was found during surgery, but the urologist said that radiation therapy was needed to assure no remaining cancerous cells are left. So I also want to know if we must expect the same intensity in the treatment and therefore the same intensity in side effects because of the radiation...
Cancer - 3 Answers
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1 :
about it you can get information from here http://fdoctors29.notlong.com/9AANU2R
2 :
I find it interesting they are proposing 40 sessions when they found nothing to warrant it during surgery. Did they do a bone scan to see if the cancer spread anywhere else. My doctors told me that since they couldn't see anything in the bone scan they didn't want to expose me to radiation unless it was absolutely necessary. Good luck
3 :
External beam radiation is very focused and has few side effects. Thirty or more sessions does not sound unusual. The surgery will have had far more side effects than the radiation therapy. It is an outpatient treatment and doesn't affect one's ability to work, walk or drive.
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