And how can eating lycopene (tomato products) decrease their chance of risk of being diagnosed with it??

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1 :
cigarette smoking increases overall cancer risk. But it seems there is a connection between toxic lung damage and male genital cancer; the first cancer ever discovered to be linked to an occupation was scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps. (this would be cancer on the outside of the testes.) But, short answer: men's prostates usually overproduce cells as they get older, and cell production out of control many times leads to cancer; also, smoking increases risk of cancer. Lycopene is an antioxidant, which helps remove harmful byproducts from your body and prevent them from being formed. The byproducts antioxidants protect against have a role in increased cancer risk.
2 :
Heavy smokers face twice the risk of developing more aggressive forms of prostate cancer than men who have never smoked...Smoking may promote prostate cancer through several mechanisms. One is that it can increase the amount of circulating androgens, which fuel the growth of normal and malignant prostate cells...Another reason is tobacco which is also cause for the prostate cancer..
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