Prostate cancer!?
risks, during and after prostate surgery. How chirldren are expected to react to a father having prstate cancer! HELP
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
please goto, i found all the info, i needed, and the kids, depends on age but do not keep them in the dark they need to know,after all if the oldmans got cancer you have just given an inhereatance to them that you did`nt want to....god bless the children
2 :
I was operated on for prostate cancer. Been cancer free for four years now. There should be no adverse effects on the children. Just explain cancer to them, along with the fact that prostate cancer is one cancer that can be cured.
3 :
hello, if you want read something about prostate cancer i just come accross this blog which may help you
4 :
I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2004. I have 5 children and they have all expressed concern. I have kept them in the picture with what is happening and what I can expect. They treat me like they always have. We have great times together and other than the Disease nothing in our relationship has changed. If caught early there is a great chance of a cure. He will keep checking with his doctors and will keep having lab work done to make sure the cancer is being held at bay or is gone. Take care and just keep the lines of communication open.
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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Prostate Cancer
prostate cancer?
i have cancer ,my psa count is 4.9,in gleason level is 7 grade,they are going to remove the prostate,any answer
Men's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I hope you got a second opinion. There are alternative methods besides surgery. My brother-in-law had his cancer obliterated with somekind of radiation that they just pinpointed to the affected area & zapped it. Of course there are different graduations of infection and yours might be more serious if the doc wants to take it out. I'd really look into it further. Once they cut you open all kind of things could happen....
2 :
Make sure that you are seeing a reliable urologist and have them explain all your surgical and non-surgical options. Be sure to ask which procedure is least likely to leave you with sexual function problems and if that procedure is appropriate for you. Good luck with this and speedy recovery!
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i have cancer ,my psa count is 4.9,in gleason level is 7 grade,they are going to remove the prostate,any answer
Men's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I hope you got a second opinion. There are alternative methods besides surgery. My brother-in-law had his cancer obliterated with somekind of radiation that they just pinpointed to the affected area & zapped it. Of course there are different graduations of infection and yours might be more serious if the doc wants to take it out. I'd really look into it further. Once they cut you open all kind of things could happen....
2 :
Make sure that you are seeing a reliable urologist and have them explain all your surgical and non-surgical options. Be sure to ask which procedure is least likely to leave you with sexual function problems and if that procedure is appropriate for you. Good luck with this and speedy recovery!
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer?
How does having prostate cancer affect a man's ability to have children?
Cancer - 4 Answers
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The treatment can have a detrimental affect on the sperm. However they do usually ask the man if he would like to store his sperm before treatment.
2 :
Prostate cancer usually doesnt effect men before the age of about 50. The majority of men are done having children by that age (unless their name is Clint Eastwood, I guess). So, the point is sort of moot - it's like asking what effect a hysterectomy will have on a post-menopausal woman... she's no longer fertile before the operation, so removing the uterus and ovaries won't have any effect on fertility.
3 :
It's not so much the prostate cancer as the treatments that affects that ability.
4 :
The surgeon can remove a cancerous prostate without removing the vessels that allow young men the ability to father children. Thats wonderful progress in surgery.
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How does having prostate cancer affect a man's ability to have children?
Cancer - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The treatment can have a detrimental affect on the sperm. However they do usually ask the man if he would like to store his sperm before treatment.

Prostate cancer usually doesnt effect men before the age of about 50. The majority of men are done having children by that age (unless their name is Clint Eastwood, I guess). So, the point is sort of moot - it's like asking what effect a hysterectomy will have on a post-menopausal woman... she's no longer fertile before the operation, so removing the uterus and ovaries won't have any effect on fertility.
3 :
It's not so much the prostate cancer as the treatments that affects that ability.
4 :
The surgeon can remove a cancerous prostate without removing the vessels that allow young men the ability to father children. Thats wonderful progress in surgery.
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Monday, February 16, 2009
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer???
My dad is 84 Years old and He recently had a routine blood work and I had the results. Can you halp me to understand it? Results(Written by doctor Genreal doctor) 84 y/o male no regular medical f/u with elevated PSA noted on recent routine blood work (PSA= 14.99). On P.E. prostate enlarged 1 1/2 X's firm non-tender & nodules Pt denies SX's of hesitancy frequency. An urologist made a rectal test and said he probably has prostate cancer but that dosn't not matter anymore because he is 84. I'm not happy with that and i would like to have different opinions about it. This doctor told my dad to take DOXAZOSIN 2 Mg about six weeks. Does this indicate cancer symptoms?? Is it a good idea to do a surgery?
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Here is a site of some people who had cancer of various types. Read their stories of what helped them. Let me know if it helps?
2 :
May indicate CA symptoms, but get him to an Oncologist, asking his doctor for a referrral. If not, you are certainly within your rights to take your dad to another dr. for a second or even third opinion. I would. It's not a good idea to "wait and see", especially at your dad's age.
3 :
Enlarged firm prostate with PSA above 10 and clinical symptoms is very suggestive of prostate cancer. If he in deed has a cancer, it must be small in size because it’s not giving him any symptoms of urinary obstruction like hesitancy or frequency. It usually takes years for a tumor to grow enough and cause obstruction. Given the case that your Father is 85 yo, the Dr. probably wants to maintain him stable and symptom free with medications that help reduce the size of the tumor (for 10 years or so ) instead of doing a major surgery.
4 :
the medication is a cancer drug but if u aint happy ask to be referred else where the doc didnt sound very helpful hun
5 :
A dear friend of mine was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the age of 57. His PSA was 4, he has cancer on both sides of his prostate. He was told that because he is so young, they need to remove it. They told him that when you are older, they do not like to do such radical surgery because chances are that it will never advance quickly enough in your lifetime to really affect you. I recommend an appointment with an Oncologist who will explain everything to you. My friend was told to see a Urologist, Oncologist and Surgeon so he could get other opinions and therefore weigh his options. If you are not happy with the opinion of the Urologist, see another one. I lost my Mother 2 years ago to cancer and went to the ends of the earth to find alternative medicines to help her. I have since done a lot of research because my Father is very interested in cancer prevention and I want to keep him around for a very long time! I wish you the very best.
6 :
Prostate cancer is very common especially among elderlies. If you did an autopsy on every 80 year old, 80% of them would have cancer cells in their prostate. 100 year olds: 100%. It's not always possible to diagnose prostate cancer just by the PSA level. To diagnose, you need a biopsy, which involves sticking a needle up the rectum and getting a piece of the prostate. Treatment for prostate cancer would depend on various factors. Extent of spread, symptoms, age and other comorbidities. Surgery is an option, so is chemo and radiotherapy. Doxazosin is not a chemotherapeutic agent for the cancer. It is actually a blood pressure tablet which can also be used for prostatism (urinary problems (such as urge, frequency, pain) due to enlarged prostate. By the way, PSA stands for prostate specific antigen and it can be elevated if you have prostate cancer or prostatitis. PE: physical examination. f/u: follow up. SX: symptoms.
7 :
there are two types of prostate cancer one moves slow and one is aggressive he most likely has the slow kind and will die from other causes before the prostate cancer gets him sorry. the psa is a crude and rough test but if it rises it should be watched if youre still worried see a good urologist and consider the radioactive seeds for your dad theyre minimally invasive. youre in what they call watchful waiting.
8 :
As a urologist, I note you are not happy with the information and recommendations you have received from the physicians for your father thus far, but it appears you were not with him when he had his appointments. What did they tell him, what did they advise him to do? The previous answers to your question are generally correct, but you should understand that the only way a physician can truly make a diagnosis of cancer is by obtaining a sample of the tissue in question and having it processed by a pathologist, who is a physician who has specialized in the diagnosis of disease by its appearance under microscopic magnification. A prostate biopsy is an office procedure, mine was painless, and the procedure takes only a short time, and local anesthesia is all that is necessary. In general, there is a low risk for complications, but nothing is free of risk. That said, with a PSA of 15 (upper limit probably 6) and a firm, non-tender, nodular prostate which is enlarged one and a half times normal, is strong clinical evidence for prostate cancer. So, assuming your father does have cancer of the prostate, it is not causing him serious problems it appears, from the standpoint of blocking the flow of urine from the bladder. Remember that the prostate surrounds the opening of the bladder in men and contributes to the semen when a man ejaculates. Therefore, blockage of urinary flow is a common local symptom of prostatic cancer. The Family Physician prescribed Doxazosin because he suspected there was probably some obstruction occurring. Treatment of prostatic cancer is an individualized decision that is based on a thorough medical history, phsical examination, appropriately chosen laboratory, x-ray, and other tests usually including a cystoscopy to ascertain what else is going on in the lower urinary tract of the patient. A urologist, who is a trained surgical specialist in the surgical and non-surgical modes of treatment of cancers of the urinary tract and the reproductive tract is most qualified specialist to render an opinion as to the appropriate treatment of a case of prostate cancer. Many factors are involved, but some of the most important ones are the general health of the indivudal, his general life expectancy, what other illnesses or conditions are present and once the patient has appropriate information from his physician, WHAT THE PATIENT WANTS FOR HIMSELF in terms of treatment. Prostate cancer, like breast cancer in women, is usually responsive to hormonal treatment in that blocking or removing testosterone from the patient will slow the growth of the cancer; response can't be predicted with certainty, but hormonal blockade can produce dramatic improvement in the size of the cancer, and slow the progression of the disease. But, talk to your father and see if he wishes to pursue this situation in regard to diagnosis and treatment, he may have indicated to the physicians that if it ain't broke, don't fix it approach was his choice. If so, then follow-up visits to see if there was progression of problems from the cancer would have been recommended. This is an example of where the art of the practice of medicine can be as important as the science of medicine. If your father were seen by a fourth-year medical student, probably all available tests and procedures would have been strongly considered. But everything depends on what is appropriate in each patient. Sometimes a patient just does not want to go through all that if they are not having significant problems. Hopefully, this information will be of assistance to you.
9 :
OK listen the term CANCER usually strikes fear in to the common persons heart and so they believe the worst. This should not be the case with prostate cancer as most are not aggressive at all and aggressive treatments are not necessary. Some people are "waiting" to see if there cancer shows signs of futility. Once cancer has spread it is just like any other cancer however some forms of cancer don't spread quickly especially certain types of prostate cancer. There is no doubt your father has cancer and elevated PSA could mean anything but an enlarged prostate + elevated PSA most definitely means he has cancer. However he may live another 3 to 4 years before he needs to have any serious medical care. I am not a doctor but I research med cal topics spontaneously and this was one of the. He could live another 10 years but as long as you love him he will live forever in you? GOD BLESS
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My dad is 84 Years old and He recently had a routine blood work and I had the results. Can you halp me to understand it? Results(Written by doctor Genreal doctor) 84 y/o male no regular medical f/u with elevated PSA noted on recent routine blood work (PSA= 14.99). On P.E. prostate enlarged 1 1/2 X's firm non-tender & nodules Pt denies SX's of hesitancy frequency. An urologist made a rectal test and said he probably has prostate cancer but that dosn't not matter anymore because he is 84. I'm not happy with that and i would like to have different opinions about it. This doctor told my dad to take DOXAZOSIN 2 Mg about six weeks. Does this indicate cancer symptoms?? Is it a good idea to do a surgery?
Cancer - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Here is a site of some people who had cancer of various types. Read their stories of what helped them. Let me know if it helps?
2 :
May indicate CA symptoms, but get him to an Oncologist, asking his doctor for a referrral. If not, you are certainly within your rights to take your dad to another dr. for a second or even third opinion. I would. It's not a good idea to "wait and see", especially at your dad's age.
3 :
Enlarged firm prostate with PSA above 10 and clinical symptoms is very suggestive of prostate cancer. If he in deed has a cancer, it must be small in size because it’s not giving him any symptoms of urinary obstruction like hesitancy or frequency. It usually takes years for a tumor to grow enough and cause obstruction. Given the case that your Father is 85 yo, the Dr. probably wants to maintain him stable and symptom free with medications that help reduce the size of the tumor (for 10 years or so ) instead of doing a major surgery.
4 :
the medication is a cancer drug but if u aint happy ask to be referred else where the doc didnt sound very helpful hun
5 :
A dear friend of mine was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the age of 57. His PSA was 4, he has cancer on both sides of his prostate. He was told that because he is so young, they need to remove it. They told him that when you are older, they do not like to do such radical surgery because chances are that it will never advance quickly enough in your lifetime to really affect you. I recommend an appointment with an Oncologist who will explain everything to you. My friend was told to see a Urologist, Oncologist and Surgeon so he could get other opinions and therefore weigh his options. If you are not happy with the opinion of the Urologist, see another one. I lost my Mother 2 years ago to cancer and went to the ends of the earth to find alternative medicines to help her. I have since done a lot of research because my Father is very interested in cancer prevention and I want to keep him around for a very long time! I wish you the very best.
6 :
Prostate cancer is very common especially among elderlies. If you did an autopsy on every 80 year old, 80% of them would have cancer cells in their prostate. 100 year olds: 100%. It's not always possible to diagnose prostate cancer just by the PSA level. To diagnose, you need a biopsy, which involves sticking a needle up the rectum and getting a piece of the prostate. Treatment for prostate cancer would depend on various factors. Extent of spread, symptoms, age and other comorbidities. Surgery is an option, so is chemo and radiotherapy. Doxazosin is not a chemotherapeutic agent for the cancer. It is actually a blood pressure tablet which can also be used for prostatism (urinary problems (such as urge, frequency, pain) due to enlarged prostate. By the way, PSA stands for prostate specific antigen and it can be elevated if you have prostate cancer or prostatitis. PE: physical examination. f/u: follow up. SX: symptoms.
7 :
there are two types of prostate cancer one moves slow and one is aggressive he most likely has the slow kind and will die from other causes before the prostate cancer gets him sorry. the psa is a crude and rough test but if it rises it should be watched if youre still worried see a good urologist and consider the radioactive seeds for your dad theyre minimally invasive. youre in what they call watchful waiting.
8 :
As a urologist, I note you are not happy with the information and recommendations you have received from the physicians for your father thus far, but it appears you were not with him when he had his appointments. What did they tell him, what did they advise him to do? The previous answers to your question are generally correct, but you should understand that the only way a physician can truly make a diagnosis of cancer is by obtaining a sample of the tissue in question and having it processed by a pathologist, who is a physician who has specialized in the diagnosis of disease by its appearance under microscopic magnification. A prostate biopsy is an office procedure, mine was painless, and the procedure takes only a short time, and local anesthesia is all that is necessary. In general, there is a low risk for complications, but nothing is free of risk. That said, with a PSA of 15 (upper limit probably 6) and a firm, non-tender, nodular prostate which is enlarged one and a half times normal, is strong clinical evidence for prostate cancer. So, assuming your father does have cancer of the prostate, it is not causing him serious problems it appears, from the standpoint of blocking the flow of urine from the bladder. Remember that the prostate surrounds the opening of the bladder in men and contributes to the semen when a man ejaculates. Therefore, blockage of urinary flow is a common local symptom of prostatic cancer. The Family Physician prescribed Doxazosin because he suspected there was probably some obstruction occurring. Treatment of prostatic cancer is an individualized decision that is based on a thorough medical history, phsical examination, appropriately chosen laboratory, x-ray, and other tests usually including a cystoscopy to ascertain what else is going on in the lower urinary tract of the patient. A urologist, who is a trained surgical specialist in the surgical and non-surgical modes of treatment of cancers of the urinary tract and the reproductive tract is most qualified specialist to render an opinion as to the appropriate treatment of a case of prostate cancer. Many factors are involved, but some of the most important ones are the general health of the indivudal, his general life expectancy, what other illnesses or conditions are present and once the patient has appropriate information from his physician, WHAT THE PATIENT WANTS FOR HIMSELF in terms of treatment. Prostate cancer, like breast cancer in women, is usually responsive to hormonal treatment in that blocking or removing testosterone from the patient will slow the growth of the cancer; response can't be predicted with certainty, but hormonal blockade can produce dramatic improvement in the size of the cancer, and slow the progression of the disease. But, talk to your father and see if he wishes to pursue this situation in regard to diagnosis and treatment, he may have indicated to the physicians that if it ain't broke, don't fix it approach was his choice. If so, then follow-up visits to see if there was progression of problems from the cancer would have been recommended. This is an example of where the art of the practice of medicine can be as important as the science of medicine. If your father were seen by a fourth-year medical student, probably all available tests and procedures would have been strongly considered. But everything depends on what is appropriate in each patient. Sometimes a patient just does not want to go through all that if they are not having significant problems. Hopefully, this information will be of assistance to you.
9 :
OK listen the term CANCER usually strikes fear in to the common persons heart and so they believe the worst. This should not be the case with prostate cancer as most are not aggressive at all and aggressive treatments are not necessary. Some people are "waiting" to see if there cancer shows signs of futility. Once cancer has spread it is just like any other cancer however some forms of cancer don't spread quickly especially certain types of prostate cancer. There is no doubt your father has cancer and elevated PSA could mean anything but an enlarged prostate + elevated PSA most definitely means he has cancer. However he may live another 3 to 4 years before he needs to have any serious medical care. I am not a doctor but I research med cal topics spontaneously and this was one of the. He could live another 10 years but as long as you love him he will live forever in you? GOD BLESS
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Thursday, February 12, 2009
Prostate Cancer
prostate cancer??
ok well my bff just found out that her grandpa has prostate cancer. we were wondering...what exactly is prostate cancer??
Cancer - 4 Answers
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1 :
Overview: Prostate Cancer What Is Prostate Cancer? The prostate (pros-tate) is a gland found only in men. As shown in the picture below, the prostate is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut. The tube that carries urine (the urethra) runs through the prostate. The prostate contains cells that make some of the fluid (semen) that protects and nourishes the sperm. The prostate begins to develop before birth and keeps on growing until a man reaches adulthood. Male hormones (called androgens) cause this growth. If male hormone levels are low, the prostate gland will not grow to full size. In older men, though, the part of the prostate around the urethra may keep on growing. This causes BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) which can result in problems with urinating. But BPH is not cancer. Prostate Cancer Although there are several cell types in the prostate, nearly all prostate cancers start in the gland cells. This kind of cancer is known as adenocarcinoma (add-uh-no-car-suh-NO-muh). The rest of this information refers only to prostate adenocarcinoma. Most of the time, prostate cancer grows slowly. Autopsy studies show that many older men (and even younger men) who died of other diseases also had prostate cancer that never caused a problem during their lives. These studies showed that 7 or 8 out of 10 men had prostate cancer by age 80. But neither they nor their doctors even knew they had it. Try these sites..... I hope this helps.
2 :
it is cancer... in your prostate. Actually your a girl so i hope you don't have a prostate but i think that means your friends grandpa can't jiz. am i wrong.
3 :
hello, if you want read something about prostate cancer i just come accross this blog which may help you
4 :
To answer your question, its a cancer in the male part of the body... You should get your grandfather a book called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER...It tells all about prostate cancer and outlines all the treatments available with their pluses and minuses.. IT was written by a cancer survivor... Robert J. Marckini,... I have also had prostate cancer and had the same cancer treatment he had It is called Proton Radiation.. it is not like conventional radiation.. It has no side effects... you dont get sick or have problems from the treatments.. and it has a 90% cure rate.. I believe it is the best Prostate cancer treatment available.. If your grandfather uses the computer have him go to a website called Proton Bob... and read the information there..It tells about the treatment and where it is available... Be sure he reads the testimonial section from former Proton Radiation patients... good luck
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ok well my bff just found out that her grandpa has prostate cancer. we were wondering...what exactly is prostate cancer??
Cancer - 4 Answers

1 :
Overview: Prostate Cancer What Is Prostate Cancer? The prostate (pros-tate) is a gland found only in men. As shown in the picture below, the prostate is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut. The tube that carries urine (the urethra) runs through the prostate. The prostate contains cells that make some of the fluid (semen) that protects and nourishes the sperm. The prostate begins to develop before birth and keeps on growing until a man reaches adulthood. Male hormones (called androgens) cause this growth. If male hormone levels are low, the prostate gland will not grow to full size. In older men, though, the part of the prostate around the urethra may keep on growing. This causes BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) which can result in problems with urinating. But BPH is not cancer. Prostate Cancer Although there are several cell types in the prostate, nearly all prostate cancers start in the gland cells. This kind of cancer is known as adenocarcinoma (add-uh-no-car-suh-NO-muh). The rest of this information refers only to prostate adenocarcinoma. Most of the time, prostate cancer grows slowly. Autopsy studies show that many older men (and even younger men) who died of other diseases also had prostate cancer that never caused a problem during their lives. These studies showed that 7 or 8 out of 10 men had prostate cancer by age 80. But neither they nor their doctors even knew they had it. Try these sites..... I hope this helps.
2 :
it is cancer... in your prostate. Actually your a girl so i hope you don't have a prostate but i think that means your friends grandpa can't jiz. am i wrong.
3 :
hello, if you want read something about prostate cancer i just come accross this blog which may help you
4 :
To answer your question, its a cancer in the male part of the body... You should get your grandfather a book called YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER...It tells all about prostate cancer and outlines all the treatments available with their pluses and minuses.. IT was written by a cancer survivor... Robert J. Marckini,... I have also had prostate cancer and had the same cancer treatment he had It is called Proton Radiation.. it is not like conventional radiation.. It has no side effects... you dont get sick or have problems from the treatments.. and it has a 90% cure rate.. I believe it is the best Prostate cancer treatment available.. If your grandfather uses the computer have him go to a website called Proton Bob... and read the information there..It tells about the treatment and where it is available... Be sure he reads the testimonial section from former Proton Radiation patients... good luck
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Sunday, February 8, 2009
Prostate Cancer
prostate cancer?
can you die from prostate cancer?
Cancer - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
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4 :
Yes, you can,. But it depends on how early it's caught and how it's treated.
5 :
Yeah, my great grandpa did. I think he cayght it late, though.
6 :
Yes you can if it goes untreated & undiagnosed.
7 :
You can die from any cancer.It all depends on whether you find it early enough,whether it is a fast acting cancer or slow,whether you seek treatment right away and your overall health.
8 :
stop thinking about death. if you think about it, it'll soon come to you. you're attracting it by asking this question! now NO you cannot die from whatever cancer it is. just eat your garlic and your body would fight off all diseases.
9 :
Some one said that you, men, will die with it or because of it. Look into this as a possible preventative. Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer specialist came out with a paper that said the best cancer/infection fighter found to date was Interferon. At the time it was $15,000 a gram. The paper also said that Interferon was a by-product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your body. Shortly after that the FDA tried to make Vitamin C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA has the RDA for Vitamin C set at 64 mg a day, just enough to ward off scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C and a second Nobel Prize for Organic Chemistry, said that 1000 mg a day should be the minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick or smoke. He played tennis almost daily until the day he died at 96. Personally, I got sick twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, for more than 20 years, with something to this day the doctors have no idea what it was, but for a week in the middle of those 2 weeks I was flat on my back. I started Vitamin C therapy once I gave up on the doctors. I took enough to be asymptomatic for those 2 weeks. Too much and I got diarrhea and too little and I got sick. Within a narrow range, and it followed a bell curve over those 2 weeks, I was not sick. At the height I was taking 40,000 mg a day and 300,000 over the 2 weeks. After 2 years of that I have not been sick since – more than 15 years. Vitamin C acts as a natural diuretic so you need to drink a lot of water and watch your body in total, but my kidneys did not dissolve as the doctors predicted, or get massive kidney stones as other predicted. I did not dissolve my bones as some predicted or completely calcify my joints as others predicted. I had no side effects at all. It might be something to consider.
10 :
Yes, mine was caught soon enough so I expect to live a long time. It progresses to bone cancer.
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can you die from prostate cancer?
Cancer - 10 Answers
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Yes, you can,. But it depends on how early it's caught and how it's treated.
5 :
Yeah, my great grandpa did. I think he cayght it late, though.
6 :
Yes you can if it goes untreated & undiagnosed.
7 :
You can die from any cancer.It all depends on whether you find it early enough,whether it is a fast acting cancer or slow,whether you seek treatment right away and your overall health.
8 :
stop thinking about death. if you think about it, it'll soon come to you. you're attracting it by asking this question! now NO you cannot die from whatever cancer it is. just eat your garlic and your body would fight off all diseases.
9 :
Some one said that you, men, will die with it or because of it. Look into this as a possible preventative. Try Vitamin C therapy. A few years ago a cancer specialist came out with a paper that said the best cancer/infection fighter found to date was Interferon. At the time it was $15,000 a gram. The paper also said that Interferon was a by-product of the natural breakdown of Vitamin C in your body. Shortly after that the FDA tried to make Vitamin C by prescription only. Guess why? The FDA has the RDA for Vitamin C set at 64 mg a day, just enough to ward off scurvy. Linus Pauling, who got a Nobel Prize for his work with Vitamin C and a second Nobel Prize for Organic Chemistry, said that 1000 mg a day should be the minimum and 2000 mg a day if you are sick or smoke. He played tennis almost daily until the day he died at 96. Personally, I got sick twice a year for 2 weeks at a time, for more than 20 years, with something to this day the doctors have no idea what it was, but for a week in the middle of those 2 weeks I was flat on my back. I started Vitamin C therapy once I gave up on the doctors. I took enough to be asymptomatic for those 2 weeks. Too much and I got diarrhea and too little and I got sick. Within a narrow range, and it followed a bell curve over those 2 weeks, I was not sick. At the height I was taking 40,000 mg a day and 300,000 over the 2 weeks. After 2 years of that I have not been sick since – more than 15 years. Vitamin C acts as a natural diuretic so you need to drink a lot of water and watch your body in total, but my kidneys did not dissolve as the doctors predicted, or get massive kidney stones as other predicted. I did not dissolve my bones as some predicted or completely calcify my joints as others predicted. I had no side effects at all. It might be something to consider.
10 :
Yes, mine was caught soon enough so I expect to live a long time. It progresses to bone cancer.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer?
i was just wondering how do people get prostate cancer
Men's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not eating the correct diet, not excercising, working around chemicals or just a bad lifestyle. There are so many things you could do to take care of yourself and still get cancer. The best thing to do is take care of your body and get regular check up's with your doctor.
2 :
The only criteria for prostrate cancer is that you be a male. Apart from that, there is no rhyme or reaon why one male may get it and another not. You may be at greater risk if there is a history of it in your family. Play it safe though, when you get older, have regular checkups
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i was just wondering how do people get prostate cancer
Men's Health - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not eating the correct diet, not excercising, working around chemicals or just a bad lifestyle. There are so many things you could do to take care of yourself and still get cancer. The best thing to do is take care of your body and get regular check up's with your doctor.
2 :
The only criteria for prostrate cancer is that you be a male. Apart from that, there is no rhyme or reaon why one male may get it and another not. You may be at greater risk if there is a history of it in your family. Play it safe though, when you get older, have regular checkups
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Sunday, February 1, 2009
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer?
I have Prostate Cancer that has gone too far, I was told by my doctor that i would only last six months at maximum. I tried a chinese herbalist as a last resort. I still have cancer but it is two years since the doc told me I had 6 months to live. I get very cold on a hot day and i tire easily, but do you think the herbs are saving prolonging my life.
Medicine - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
have you made a will? can you leave me your money?
2 :
Could be. Congratulations. Doctors have been known to be wrong, and there is alot to be learned about Chinese medicine and herbs. I believe they have prolonged your life and may give you many more years to come.
3 :
I read taking very large doses of Vitamin C may be able to destroy cancer cells, and in some cases completely eliminate cancer from the body. I believe it was scientist Linus Pauling. I think it was something like 5000 mg of Vitamin C tablets daily.
4 :
Dean...what fabulous news! I am thrilled that your life has been prolonged. I think that God has allowed you to remain on this earth for a reason. I don't know much about Chinese Medicine....but am really excited that you are still with us. Best wishes and I hope your health continues.
5 :
I read on this site that cancer is one of the number one cause of death in China. Fu Zhen therapy is reported to protect the immune system from damage and to increase survival rates, sometimes dramatically, when used in conjunction with the modern cancer therapies. Read up about it with the link I will provide. Good luck to you!
6 :
You have to remember doctors are not gods. Doctors told Stephen Hawking he would die at 26- he's now 61. My husband's sister was predicted to die at age 2 of cystic fibrosis-- she died at 26. Just keep fighting the fight, read up on any and all new treatments, and enjoy each and every day you are able to wake up and say "Hello, world!"
7 :
when a doctor says 6 months this does not mean that if you would live longer you that the doctor is mistaken. the doctor gave you the statistical value he has depending on large studies done worldwide. and i think it is in your behalf that the doctor estimation does not fit on you... practically speaking i do not believe that the herbs have any effect...
8 :
Do you by chance take progesterone of other female hormones as well. I do not know your age, but in older men prostate cancer is not as aggressive as in younger men. I doubt the herbs helped unless they contain hormones.
9 :
Please see the webpages for more details on Prostate cancer.
10 :
Even though you're treatment isn't "conventional medicine" it seems to be working for you and that is great. "Conventional medicine" gave upon you so no matter how you slice it you're doing better with your herbalist. I also believe that the mind also has curing capabilities, so keep a positive attitude, and enjoy what you have left.
11 :
Read the cancer information on my page and the testimonials. Let me know what I can do?
12 :
Dean, I would suggest that you consult some medical doctors right away. Herbal medicines can at times create more problems and even allow the cancer to propagate faster. Chemotherapy is geared to killing these cells at different points of the division cycle, and therefor offers a better chance of survival. Why would you not look into these options? I know of a patient who had metastatic prostate cancer, whose prognosis was poor. However, after 15 months they are still doing well with different trials and treatment options. The symptoms you describe sound more like the cancer causing problems within you system. Also, a word to you, never take the opinion of only one doctor. You should always consult several before throwing in the towel, doctors vary person to person and area to area. Some doctors have a myopic view and only look in their own small arsenal of treatments, however oncologists will look at different view points and perhaps suggest new treatments or trials. Whatever you do, don't give up fighting, your family will appreciate it. Take Care
13 :
Doctors are frequently wrong about their prognoses. Glad you are still here! If you believe the Chinese herbs are helping, that in and of itself may be helping if only through the placebo effect, although in a case of prostate cancer that probably doesn't work very well! There may be something in the herbs that are helping - modern medicine has some serious catching up to do when studying some of the herbal medicaments and their efficacy. Good luck!
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I have Prostate Cancer that has gone too far, I was told by my doctor that i would only last six months at maximum. I tried a chinese herbalist as a last resort. I still have cancer but it is two years since the doc told me I had 6 months to live. I get very cold on a hot day and i tire easily, but do you think the herbs are saving prolonging my life.
Medicine - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
have you made a will? can you leave me your money?
2 :
Could be. Congratulations. Doctors have been known to be wrong, and there is alot to be learned about Chinese medicine and herbs. I believe they have prolonged your life and may give you many more years to come.
3 :
I read taking very large doses of Vitamin C may be able to destroy cancer cells, and in some cases completely eliminate cancer from the body. I believe it was scientist Linus Pauling. I think it was something like 5000 mg of Vitamin C tablets daily.
4 :
Dean...what fabulous news! I am thrilled that your life has been prolonged. I think that God has allowed you to remain on this earth for a reason. I don't know much about Chinese Medicine....but am really excited that you are still with us. Best wishes and I hope your health continues.
5 :
I read on this site that cancer is one of the number one cause of death in China. Fu Zhen therapy is reported to protect the immune system from damage and to increase survival rates, sometimes dramatically, when used in conjunction with the modern cancer therapies. Read up about it with the link I will provide. Good luck to you!
6 :
You have to remember doctors are not gods. Doctors told Stephen Hawking he would die at 26- he's now 61. My husband's sister was predicted to die at age 2 of cystic fibrosis-- she died at 26. Just keep fighting the fight, read up on any and all new treatments, and enjoy each and every day you are able to wake up and say "Hello, world!"
7 :
when a doctor says 6 months this does not mean that if you would live longer you that the doctor is mistaken. the doctor gave you the statistical value he has depending on large studies done worldwide. and i think it is in your behalf that the doctor estimation does not fit on you... practically speaking i do not believe that the herbs have any effect...
8 :
Do you by chance take progesterone of other female hormones as well. I do not know your age, but in older men prostate cancer is not as aggressive as in younger men. I doubt the herbs helped unless they contain hormones.
9 :
Please see the webpages for more details on Prostate cancer.
10 :
Even though you're treatment isn't "conventional medicine" it seems to be working for you and that is great. "Conventional medicine" gave upon you so no matter how you slice it you're doing better with your herbalist. I also believe that the mind also has curing capabilities, so keep a positive attitude, and enjoy what you have left.
11 :
Read the cancer information on my page and the testimonials. Let me know what I can do?
12 :
Dean, I would suggest that you consult some medical doctors right away. Herbal medicines can at times create more problems and even allow the cancer to propagate faster. Chemotherapy is geared to killing these cells at different points of the division cycle, and therefor offers a better chance of survival. Why would you not look into these options? I know of a patient who had metastatic prostate cancer, whose prognosis was poor. However, after 15 months they are still doing well with different trials and treatment options. The symptoms you describe sound more like the cancer causing problems within you system. Also, a word to you, never take the opinion of only one doctor. You should always consult several before throwing in the towel, doctors vary person to person and area to area. Some doctors have a myopic view and only look in their own small arsenal of treatments, however oncologists will look at different view points and perhaps suggest new treatments or trials. Whatever you do, don't give up fighting, your family will appreciate it. Take Care
13 :
Doctors are frequently wrong about their prognoses. Glad you are still here! If you believe the Chinese herbs are helping, that in and of itself may be helping if only through the placebo effect, although in a case of prostate cancer that probably doesn't work very well! There may be something in the herbs that are helping - modern medicine has some serious catching up to do when studying some of the herbal medicaments and their efficacy. Good luck!
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