Someone I know was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. The biopsy revealed a "12 out of 12" on the biopsy. Is this a disease that can be cured or just treated? What is the life expectancy of someone who is diagnosed? Thank you for your help.

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Prostate Cancer can be cured and there are a variety of treatment methods that can be used. I work for a website called which has thousands of health related videos on a variety of topics. Here are the links to videos with information on treatment and survivors: Hope this helps!
2 :
Prostate cancer can be due to many things, but primarily due to infection(s). The first place I would look is at their front teeth, both 2 upper and 2 lower front teeth. If they have any trauma, amalgam fillings, root canals, gum infection, or dead tooth of these, that needs to be fixed immediately by a dentist that is not the typical dentist you find "down the street," but one that understands the problems with modern dentistry and can truly fix those teeth. The next place to look is infections with the bladder; then look at nutritional deficiencies and toxins. Zinc is a very necessary mineral that feeds the prostate and if you are deficient in zinc, the prostate will enlarge to compensate and can develop cysts, etc. as a result of this deficiency. It's not enough to just take zinc in the diet. You need to deal with the co-factors in the body that cause the body to actually digest the zinc and utilize it properly. One main cause of this problem is the lack of stomach acid. When doctors prescribe antacids, this can contribute to deficiencies in zinc, calcium, and magnesium in particular. Eating highly processed foods contribute to this problem greatly. The typical medical response is to treat the prostate itself with radiation beads, etc., but you need to find what generated the problem, not just treat the symptoms. Sometimes treating the cancer itself with radiation or chemotherapy causes many other problems. It's a dangerous dance and any treatment must include the search and fix of the "root cause" or sustained survival may be in question. Doctors are NOT good at dealing with "root causes" because they are not trained to find those and they only deal with the immediate symptoms. When you get better, it is determined a cure if the cancer has been irradicated, but many times it returns due to the "root cause(s)" not being dealt with. Removing the organ is also an option medical people use to deal with this, but if you find the "root cause" and fix that, you will be a long way to solving the problem and you may find the problem to be resolved if a good dietary program is then followed. The life expectancy will be dependent upon how you deal with this problem. I strongly suggest you find a practitioner that understands QRA testing to find the "root cause" of the problem and then have that practitioner work with your doctor to deal with this issue. That will be far better than just turning the person over to the medical community. good luck to you
3 :
In 05-06-08 psa 10.60. 8 out of 12. Had Robotic Prostatectomy 06-26-08 . Six month check up less than 0.05 I do not know were you live, what state? I would be glad to answer any questions and try my best to help you. You can get through this. I am 58 and had cancer twice. Lost right kidney to cancer 01-26-07. You need to look up PC on yahoo groups. It well help to talk to others, because your life is about to change. John
4 :
Pain with urination, blood in the urine, or a change in bladder function (such as more frequent or less frequent urination) could be related to bladder or prostate cancer. You may try supplement: Typhonium Plus Hope it helps
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