I am not up on this topic so I must ask an expert here. I have written to a man who has has prostate cancer and the operation. I do not know him well so I do not ask this question. If I start to like this man, I am curious about what his sexual activies could or could not be. I am not hot and heavy into sex, but wonder where he is coming from.

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
that depends. there is a nerve-sparing operation that spares these nerves... some do this and some dont... ask which type he had
2 :
He is trying to prove himself, although I don't know why. He retains his desire, but can't get an erection. If you want a platonic relationship, go right ahead.
3 :
Some prostate operations are "never sparing", meaning they were able to leave the nerves intact so everything would be normal or close to normal. HOWEVER, for a full cancer diagnosis, I would guess they would take as much tissue as necessary to leave nothing left behind not necessary. This will not affect the desire, but it would affect ......... performance, (See I did think of a nice word for it). On another note, remember the man behind the feelings, if you hit it off with him, their are other ways of him satisfying you & vice versa if the want to is there.
4 :
Most of the time the nerve sparing surgery is performed. Some men have had penile implants that have had nerve damage so they can continue to have sex. I have heard men openly talk about it before. I would just follow his lead.
5 :
Unfortunately, no. I say unfortunately because the ability to perform is severely reduced. Each man heals differently and even the nerve sparing procedures may not result in being able to get and maintain an erection. The percentage of those being able to do so is somewhere around 15-20% according to my urologist. Some men respond well to the Viagra/Cialis meds. But, many don't. There are other devices and strategies with which many men find some success. The only sure-fire way to have a reliable erection is to have an implant. There are many different types and they all work well, I'm told. I don't think your intended will have lost desire, but he will surely have lost some of his confidence and that might result in a reduced willingness to initiate or engage in sexual intercourse. But, there are a lot of ways to express love and physical intimacy that don't involve penetration of the penis into the vagina. And, sexual satisfaction on the part of the male can be achieved without an erection.
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